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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-24 13:23

  本文選題:微課 + 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)思維; 參考:《南京師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the Internet era, people's way of life is undergoing tremendous changes. In the field of education, on the one hand, traditional education is increasingly unable to meet the new needs of society for education, and new courses are needed to supplement the shortcomings of traditional courses; on the other hand, The development of Internet technology provides a technical and material guarantee for the practice of the new curriculum concept. Therefore, after the thesis, the modern curriculum view is the forerunner of curriculum development idea innovation, and the micro-class is the concrete form of curriculum reconstruction in the Internet era, through reading literature, case investigation and interview, etc. This paper probes into the essential differences between microcourses as a new type of curriculum and traditional courses in the Internet era, analyzes the advantages of microcourses and the problems existing in their development and application, and puts forward some solutions according to the thinking of the Internet. On the concept of microcourse development, it breaks through the limitation of the original goal mode curriculum development theory, and seeks for the curriculum development idea which is more suitable for the needs of microcourse development nowadays, and on the development principle, according to the characteristics of Internet thinking and geography subject in senior high school, On the basis of the original curriculum development principles, this paper puts forward the special principles to be followed in the development of geography microcourses in senior high schools based on Internet thinking-participation principle, data feedback principle, decentralization principle and geographical characteristic principle. It advocates setting clear but non-specific goals, setting the goal of geography micro-class in senior high school as stimulating students' interest in geography learning, restoring geography knowledge situation, promoting the construction of knowledge and cultivating geographical thinking ability. It is advocated that choosing the content which can promote the students' problem solving and thinking cultivation to be close to the student's life from the concrete problems; in the content organization, the author puts forward two basic methods of organizing the micro-lesson; in the microcourse making, We advocate embedding data feedback system on the basis of microcourse video. At the same time, we advocate the specialization of micro-class. Under the premise of the teacher's overall design, the professional production team is responsible for ensuring the fine quality of the micro-lesson and alleviating the difficulty of the teacher's development of the micro-lesson. In the application of micro-lesson, the application scope, application value and application condition of micro-lesson are discussed, and the influence and function of Internet thinking on micro-course evaluation and the evaluation index of micro-lesson are discussed. There are two achievements in this paper: first, on the basis of analyzing the current high school geography education needs and the lack of micro-curriculum development, the paper constructs the concept of micro-curriculum development based on the post-modern curriculum concept. Second, the application of Internet thinking in the field of curriculum development provides new ideas and methods for the design and production of micro-lessons, which can reflect the application value of micro-lessons. On this basis, the application and evaluation of micro-class are discussed, and a new evaluation method based on micro-class and big data is put forward.


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