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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-23 19:57

  本文選題:初中生 + 心理韌性; 參考:《廣西師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The mental health education of primary and middle school students has always been the basic education to improve the psychological quality of primary and middle schools and promote the harmonious development of their body and mind. It is an important part of further strengthening and improving the moral education in primary and middle schools and carrying out the overall quality education. In this study, in this study, Hu Yueqin, Gan Qun Yi (2008) to Chinese Adolescent Psychological Resilience Scale (RSAC), the American psychologist Fitts (1965) of the Tennessee self-concept scale (TSCS), Cui Na (2008) compiled by the junior middle school students' school adaptation questionnaire. Through the junior middle School The main conclusions are as follows: 1, the main conclusions are as follows: 1, the junior middle school students are resilience and the school is adaptable. The self concept is different in different demographic variables, such as: junior high school students' mental resilience, school adaptation, and self-concept are in different sexes and different grades. But in the case of only child, only junior middle school students have differences in mental resilience; in different source areas, only junior high school students' school adaptation exists the difference.2, junior middle school There is a significant correlation between the dimensions of mental resilience, self concept, and the various dimensions of school adaptation. Among them, the focus dimension of mental resilience and the academic adaptation dimension of school adaptation are higher than the other dimensions of the same variable. That is, the more clear the goal of the junior middle school students is, the more conducive to the improvement of academic performance. The dimension and self concept of self action dimension are higher than the other dimensions of the same variable. That is, the more explicit the goal of the junior middle school students, the stronger the ability of self action. The self concept's self action dimension and the academic adaptation dimension of the school are higher than the other dimensions of the same variable, that is, the stronger the individual's action power, the greater the help to the study. .3, the family support dimension and positive cognitive dimension in the mental resilience of junior middle school students, the total score of mental resilience and the self action dimension in the self concept, and the self identity dimension all predict the school adaptation. Enough to predict the degree of individual school adaptation.4, junior middle school students' psychological resilience has both direct and indirect effects on school adaptation. Self concept plays a part of intermediary role between mental resilience and school adaptation. Through the medium effect test of Bootstrap and the construction of the structural equation model of AMOS, the self-concept can be found, self The mediating effect of concept is established. The objective concentration dimension of mental resilience and the self concept of self concept have influence on the academic adaptation dimension of school adaptation, while the objective concentration dimension of mental resilience also affects the self action dimension of self concept, therefore, it is a medium variable in the relationship between mental resilience and school adaptation. At the same time, the self concept plays a part of mediator.



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