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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-23 15:22

  本文選題:舒新城 + 道爾頓制; 參考:《華中師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Shu Xincheng, born in Xupu County, Hunan Province, was a famous educator, publisher and lexicographer in modern China. Shu Xincheng life experience is rich, in many fields have extraordinary achievements. In the field of educational experiment, the Dalton experiment that Shu Xincheng tried out in the 1920s is of great value in the history of education. At that time, Shu Xincheng tried the Dalton experiment in the middle school department of Chinese public school and the affiliated middle school of Southeast University, which greatly aroused the enthusiasm of the Chinese educational circles to try out the Dalton system experiment at that time. The purpose of the trial of Dalton system in Shu Xincheng is to explore a road suitable for the development of education in China. Through the deep analysis of the experimental process of the Dalton system in Shuxincheng, the reasons for the failure of the Dalton experiment in Shuxincheng are analyzed objectively, and the essence of the educational experiment thought of Shuxincheng is fully refined. It is hoped that some new ideas and beneficial enlightenment will be provided for the future educational experiment and reform of primary and secondary schools in China. This study is mainly divided into three parts: the first part mainly through the life, learning and work experience of Shuxin City combing, dynamic show Shuxin City trial Dalton experimental motivation of the formation of the background and process, Then it explores the psychological changes that Shu Xincheng showed in the process of seeking innovation because he was dissatisfied with the educational situation in China at that time. The second part mainly through the detailed analysis of Shu Xincheng spread Dalton system theory and the trial Dalton system experimental process, from the experimental preparation, experimental design, experimental process, experimental results and experimental effects, and so on. This paper tries to objectively restore the whole process of the Dalton experiment in the middle school department of Chinese public school and the affiliated middle school of Southeast University, and analyzes objectively the reasons for the failure of the experiment of the Dalton system in Shu Xincheng. The third part mainly summarizes the characteristics and historical value of the educational experiment in the trial of Dalton in Shu Xincheng, evaluates the Dalton experiment objectively and impartially, sums up the experience and lessons. In order to provide some new ideas and enlightenments for the future educational experiment and reform in our country, we can extract the beneficial components for the future educational experiment and reform in our country.


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