
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 教育論文 > 教育體制論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-04-23 09:53

  本文選題:電子書包 + 小學(xué)數(shù)學(xué); 參考:《廣州大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As a new teaching tool, electronic schoolbag has effectively promoted the change of information technology to education. Electronic schoolbag has been recognized by the teaching circles because of its huge teaching resources and scientific teaching platform structure. Therefore, with the extensive application of electronic schoolbags, it is necessary to use scientific and reasonable evaluation index system to consider the effect of classroom teaching under the environment of electronic schoolbags. Setting up correct teaching values, grasping the direction of teachers' teaching effect evaluation macroscopically, making scientific, reasonable and comprehensive evaluation standard of teaching effect can effectively guide the practice of teaching effect evaluation. Improve teaching quality and improve teaching management system. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an evaluation system for the teaching effect of electronic schoolbags in accordance with the requirements of the new era, to make clear the difference between the evaluation elements of electronic schoolbags and those of the traditional classroom, and to lay a foundation for the effective integration of electronic schoolbags and the classroom teaching of subjects. This research adopts literature research, interview, questionnaire, expert investigation and case study. Firstly, the author reviews a large number of domestic and foreign documents related to electronic schoolbag and teaching evaluation, and reviews the current research situation of the teaching model of electronic schoolbag and the evaluation of the effect of mathematics classroom teaching in China. Secondly, on the basis of educational evaluation theory, policies and regulations, following the principles of objectivity, science, comprehensiveness, pertinence and maneuverability, on the basis of questionnaire survey, classroom observation, interviews with experts and experimental teachers, According to the relevant theory and practice, the evaluation index item is preliminarily determined. With the method of expert investigation, the author investigates the experts, scholars and teachers who are engaged in the related research work, determines the index items and weight coefficients, and constructs the evaluation index system of the effect of primary school mathematics classroom teaching based on electronic schoolbag. Then the evaluation index system is applied to the classroom teaching practice of electronic schoolbag, the effect of classroom teaching is evaluated, and the rationality and availability of the evaluation index system are tested.


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3 強敏Y,




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