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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-23 07:36

  本文選題:大數(shù)據(jù) + 教育。 參考:《貴州師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the past and present, cultural education has always been the most important part of social development. People have never stopped exploring all aspects of education. Among them, the mother tongue course is the foundation of all subjects in a country and a bridge to other disciplines. In our country, the language subject is called the mother of Encyclopedia, learning Chinese well, is the basic condition for learning other subjects well. Therefore, Chinese education has always been responsible for the teaching of mother tongue and the responsibility of cultural inheritance. It has an important position in China's education for.21 century. With the development of advanced technology such as mobile Internet, cloud computing, and Internet of things, the society faces new opportunities and challenges. In the current rising tide of big data, it is more and more widely used in the field of education, such as learning analysis, network education platform, educational information management platform, education APP, intelligent campus and so on. Under this background, Chinese teaching needs more open courses. It is required that we should integrate the existing information technology with the teaching of Chinese organically. On this basis, the modern education data collection and learning analysis technology will be incorporated into the teaching and learning of the Chinese language in order to promote the improvement of the quality of the Chinese language teaching. For Chinese language education, the accumulation of junior middle schools is particularly important. This is the training of student Shu Lizheng. The important period of the true values and the outlook on life and the accumulation of humanistic quality is the key stage for the growth of the students. Under the premise that the application of large data has become the background of the times, the Chinese teaching in junior middle school should grasp the arteries of the times, reform the shortcomings of the traditional teaching methods, and actively apply the big data to the Chinese teaching and explore the new requirements of the times. According to the teaching practice, teacher interview, network questionnaire survey, literature research and so on, the author finds that facing the impact of large data and how to effectively use large data to serve the teaching work in Chinese teaching, most of the teaching researchers and teachers are still in a blank state. In the existing literature and practice cases, the research on large data application specially aimed at junior middle school Chinese teaching is lacking. Therefore, the research on the application strategy of large data in junior high school is the focus of the author's research. The content of this study is composed of seven parts: introduction, conclusion and five chapters. "What", "how" and "how" How to use "how to use" and "how to use" and "application reflection" is discussed. Through this study, the strategy of large data application in junior middle school language teaching is formed, and the test is carried out in the teaching practice.



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