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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-21 18:42

  本文選題:教師哲學(xué) + 知識(shí) ; 參考:《當(dāng)代教育科學(xué)》2017年02期

[Abstract]:From the philosophical point of view, the profession of teacher is a kind of dual attribute occupation, which has both the "certainty consciousness" and the "doubt consciousness" which have both the representation of the experience world and the experience. In the process of teachers performing their basic duty of serving for the development of students, if teachers are full of certainty about what is known, and teachers have enough assurance to lead students into the world, then teachers take on a master attitude. If the teacher is full of doubt and negation of his master's attitude and his own understanding of work, and further enlightens the students by criticizing and questioning, thus denying the intuitive understanding of the known world, the teacher presents a servant attitude. Between these two kinds of consciousness, it is blind to break away from the doubt certainty, because it can not drive the process of knowledge on its own. The absence of certainty from doubt is empty, for it lacks its own content. Therefore, teachers can only establish a kind of balance consciousness in the contradiction between certainty consciousness and scepticism consciousness, and pursue their own way-to educate students in a posture that is neither a simple servant nor a simple master. In order to promote good teaching.
【作者單位】: 曲靖師范學(xué)院教師教育學(xué)院;南京大學(xué)教育研究院;全國(guó)高校校史研究會(huì);


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4 南翔;大學(xué)寫(xiě)作為哪般[N];文藝報(bào);2006年





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