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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-20 15:17

  本文選題:學(xué)區(qū)制 + 改革 ; 參考:《中央民族大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:"To make a good education for the people" is the purpose of serving the people in the field of education. At the moment, promoting the balanced development of compulsory education is an urgent problem to be solved in the comprehensive reform of the educational field in our country. The school district management has been tested for a long time in China. It has been rich in practice and exploration. The major highlight of the school district reform in Haidian District in Beijing is the establishment of the school district committee and the school district management center. The school district management center is an independent legal body affiliated to the administrative department of education. It is the weight of the educational administration department, the school and the community. The management of the school district system in Haidian District is not only a reorganization and integration of the educational resources within the school district, but also an important exploration of the regional governance system. The reform of the school district system in Haidian District is accompanied by a series of educational reforms, which is a set of combination of educational reform. The reform of the school district system has always been running a school for nine years, and the group has always been running a school. The reform of improving the quality education resources, such as school running and the branch branch of the University, is coordinated and promoted in the background of time, space and educational reform. Through the analysis of the existing literature, the research has been carried out on the practice of the school district management in Haidian District hot spring Sutuo school district. District management has played a platform role in coordinating the various types of resources in the region, coordinating the enrollment of compulsory education, developing regional courses, and promoting the sharing of resources between schools and streets, communities and resident units. However, in practical operation, there are also difficulties in the flow of teachers' teachers, the division of school districts is difficult to be balanced, and the design and practice of the system need to be carried out. From the perspective of stakeholder theory, the author believes that the government needs to take effective measures to provide more quality education resources and create a better policy environment for the development of school districts and schools. The government can give more to the school district, the allocation of enrollment plans, the allocation of educational funds, and the staffing of personnel. The policy is inclined to solve the problems in the development of school district and school. At present, our government promotes the modernization of the education management system. The key point is to give the power of simplicity and decentralization, and the implementation of the school district management is an exploration of this way of education management.



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