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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-19 22:23

  本文選題:高中思想政治課 + 微課。 參考:《上海師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the continuous development of information technology in China, education is also quietly changing. The combination of information and education is the direction of educational development in the future and an inevitable trend to meet the requirements of the development of the times. "Microcourse", an information-based teaching method originating in America, is being paid attention by many teachers in the field of basic education in our country. From the point of view of micro-course teaching of ideological and political course in senior high school, this paper, through a large number of literature studies and the teaching practice of the author himself and his peers, combs the contents of micro-course teaching in the teaching material of ideological and political course of senior high school. The author also puts forward the teaching strategy of the application of microcourse in the ideological and political course of senior high school, in order to help the first-line teachers to improve the effectiveness of the teaching of ideological and political course in senior high school. In this paper, the author thinks that the microcourse teaching of ideological and political course in senior high school has broken the limitation of traditional learning time and space, and students can study at any time, anywhere, and can also cultivate students' ability to learn independently. Pre-class students can be prepared by micro-lessons, after-class students can be reviewed through micro-classes, brief and clear micro-lessons can also make students understand textbook knowledge more accurately, and micro-lessons can also enrich the content of students' learning. The vivid picture and sound of micro-class can effectively stimulate students' interest in learning, thus increase the interaction between teachers and students in the classroom, and lay a good foundation for the students' sustainable development throughout their lives. The author believes that teachers should pay attention to the following aspects in the application of microcourses in high school ideological and political classes: first, to help students construct knowledge through a series of microcourses; secondly, to cooperate with the traditional classroom use, to achieve twice the result with half the effort; Furthermore, micro-lessons can be used to supplement the blind spots of students' knowledge and promote the development of students' thinking. Then, the micro-lessons should be used skillfully to stimulate students' emotions and realize the goal of emotional attitude and values. Finally, micro-lessons should be derived from the reality of life. Cultivate students' ability to practice.


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