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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-05 15:35

  本文選題:職業(yè)成熟度 切入點(diǎn):學(xué)習(xí)動(dòng)機(jī) 出處:《華中師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:High school students are faced with arduous learning tasks and great pressure of college entrance examination, but the level of learning motivation is not satisfactory. Previous studies have shown that career maturity is significantly related to learning motivation. On the premise of verifying the relationship between career maturity and learning motivation, this study improves students' career maturity by career counseling intervention. This study is divided into two parts: the first is to investigate the gender differences of career maturity and learning motivation of senior high school students from demographic variables, and the difference between only child and career maturity of senior high school students. To verify the relationship between career maturity and learning motivation. Study 2: 63 senior high school students who took career guidance courses were selected as the experimental group, and a seven-week career counseling course was conducted. In addition, 63 junior high school students were randomly selected as the control group. The following conclusions were drawn: first, the career maturity of senior high school students was at the middle level; second, the difference of utilitarian dimension of career maturity was significant among different sex high school students. Male students were significantly higher than girls. There were significant differences in the total scores of career maturity, occupational self-knowledge, professional world knowledge and independence between the one-child and non-one-child high school students, and the only child was significantly higher than the non-only child. The level of learning motivation of senior high school students is generally in the average of 4th. There are significant differences between male and female students in skill scene, sports scene, promoting tension and avoidance failure motivation dimension, and in skill scene and avoidance failure motivation dimension. Female students were significantly higher than boys, boys were significantly higher than girls in sports and promotion. 5th, professional self-knowledge and success motivation total score, social life scenes, promote tension, their own responsibility significantly positive correlation; The professional world knowledge is positively correlated with the social life scene, the promoting tension, the professional initiative is positively correlated with the total score of successful motivation, the social life scene, the skill scene, the promoting tension, and so on. Independence is positively correlated with the tension of promotion, stability is positively correlated with the learning situation of knowledge, tension of promotion, responsibility of oneself, utilitarian and total score of successful motivation, sports scene, and responsibility of oneself. Self-confidence and skill scenes, sports scenes, social life scenes, promoting tension, their own responsibility, the level of demand, the total score of success motivation were significantly positive correlation; The total score of career maturity and its dimensions were negatively correlated with the motivation of avoidance and failure. 6th, career counseling improved students' career maturity and learning motivation, vocational self-knowledge, self-confidence, knowledge learning scene, promoting anxiety. Their own responsibility significantly improved, utilitarian, avoidance failure motivation decreased significantly.


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