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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-04 14:33

  本文選題:留守兒童 切入點(diǎn):社區(qū)教育管理 出處:《煙臺(tái)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:The rapid development of the urban economy and the increasing demand for labor forces have prompted a large influx of rural labor forces into the city, and migrant workers have increased their income by entering the city, improving the economic situation of rural families, and getting better employment opportunities for individuals. However, a series of practical problems have arisen: compared with the treatment of urban workers, the social security for migrant workers in cities needs to be further improved, and the children of migrant workers also need to be further improved because of the high cost of studying in cities, the cost of transportation, food and accommodation, and so on. The problems of household registration restriction can only be taken care of by relatives in rural areas. In the long run, there is a lack of growth education for left-behind children. Combined with the concept of "community education management", this paper explores the causes of the education problems of children left behind in rural areas and puts forward practical solutions. This paper proposes to establish an innovative educational organization, the Education Home for Left-behind Children in Rural areas. Firstly, this paper summarizes the background of left-behind children in rural areas in China, and analyzes the present situation of left-behind children in China from the causes of formation and the specific educational problems. This paper explores the typical mode of urban community education management, which lays a foundation for the innovation and popularization of urban community education management theory in rural education organizations. Finally, the organization orientation of the rural left-behind children's education home is clarified. After the establishment of the new rural left-behind children's education home, the research on its operation mode and its optimized operation is made, and the market-oriented behavior of folk capital entering rural education is studied from the point of view of supply and demand. In order to expand the income channel of the organization, to attract rich teachers with reasonable salary allocation, to study the utility of parents' part-time integration into the teaching team by using game theory model, and to put forward the methods to solve the problems of education and growth of left-behind children. The article also takes the case of education organization of left-behind children in Port North District of Guigang City as an example, and analyzes the rural education organization by using Porter's five-force model. To put forward an optimized plan for education homes. Properly handling the problem of left-behind children in rural areas is a prerequisite for the improvement of the national economy and the improvement of the level of education throughout the country, and needs to be followed up and promoted for a long time. This paper probes into the problem of rural left-behind children and puts forward concrete plans, which is of great significance for solving the problem of left-behind children.


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