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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-04 08:02

  本文選題:大學(xué)生 切入點(diǎn):職業(yè)價(jià)值觀 出處:《華東師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類(lèi)型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to develop a suitable for college students' occupation values of the measurement scale, and the scale of empirical investigation for some college students in Shanghai City, in order to understand the current status of College Students' occupation values, and the effects of college students, the difference between the three levels of College students' occupation values of undergraduate and graduate students. Firstly, according to the literature review, expert consultation and interview survey data, preliminary established the theoretical framework of scale, formed a preliminary scale. Then on 254 college students in Shanghai city were surveyed and 268 of university students for the formal test, and the use of project data analysis, factor analysis and reliability analysis the method of collection of statistical analysis, finally formed a formal version of College Students' occupation values scale. Finally, the scale of 1256 college students in Shanghai City Vocational price Values for the empirical study. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) this study developed the students' occupation values scale, it is composed of six dimensions, namely personal development, social help, reputation, enterprising, welfare and creativity. (2) the current ranking of students pay more attention to the occupation the value of the scale degree from strong to weak is: personal development, initiative, creativity, social welfare and health care to help people, prestige and status. (3) occupation value of university students of different sex view does not have significant differences. In contrast, male students pay more attention to the reputation status, ambition and welfare, and female college students pay more attention to personal development, social help and creativity. (4) college students, occupation value of undergraduate and graduate students of the three different levels of college students have significant differences, mainly reflected in the creative reputation, personal development, and Helpful social dimension, and in the entrepreneurial spirit and the welfare of these two dimensions, there is no significant difference. The scale has good reliability and validity, can conduct research values for occupation colleges and departments of education, in order to carry out targeted education and guidance, provide the basis for for the occupation counseling. Can also be used for college students on their own evaluation, in order to further understand the occupation value orientation of itself, thus choose to match the occupation.



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