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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-03 08:36

  本文選題:道德行為 切入點:演進規(guī)律 出處:《中國教育學(xué)刊》2017年08期  論文類型:期刊論文

[Abstract]:The characteristics of moral behavior is unconscious and conscious of the duality and self-discipline and heteronomy, duality and polarity are intertwined and formed four kinds of state of moral behavior, the individual moral behavior occurs in four stages: the need to experience the unconscious - heteronomy ignorance of the state, a state of consciousness - ignorant heteronomy have a sense of self - discipline, and the "unconscious" - the habit of self-discipline. Moral education should follow the inherent law of moral behavior, and the law applied to practice, to improve the effectiveness of moral education at present: face is still staying in the unconscious - and situation awareness - heteronomy heteronomy the attention on students' Moral behavior independent state of consciousness - self-discipline behavior culture, gradually guide the students to establish the moral belief based on the cultivation of students' autonomous state, the individual moral behavior process into moral Behavior evaluation system.

【作者單位】: 西南大學(xué)教育學(xué)部;


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1 王俊雯;大學(xué)生移情能力與道德行為水平的相關(guān)研究[D];南昌大學(xué);2014年

2 朱曉穩(wěn);大學(xué)生的道德判斷能力、自我效能感與其道德行為的關(guān)系[D];新鄉(xiāng)醫(yī)學(xué)院;2014年





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