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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-01 04:44

  本文關鍵詞: 應激 心理學 回歸分析 學生 出處:《中國學校衛(wèi)生》2017年08期  論文類型:期刊論文

【摘要】:目的了解紹興市初中生應激性生活事件現(xiàn)狀及其影響因素,為干預措施的制定提供依據(jù)。方法采用分層整群隨機抽樣的方法,運用中學生生活事件多維評定問卷對分層整群隨機抽取的紹興市3 397名初中生進行調(diào)查。結果中學生應激性生活事件發(fā)生率前5位的依次為考試成績不理想(72.21%)、達不到教師的期望(66.79%)、偏科(64.41%)、父母嘮叨(56.20%)和挨父母的罵(40.80%)。多因素Logistic回歸分析顯示,城市學校、非獨生子女、初二年級、初三年級、學習負擔重是中學生應激性生活事件發(fā)生的危險因素(B值分別為0.234,0.210,0.317,0.364,1.195,P值均0.05),親密朋友個數(shù)多是中學生應激性生活事件發(fā)生的保護因素(P0.01)。結論紹興市中學生應激性生活事件不容樂觀。針對中學生不同特點,亟需開展干預措施。
[Abstract]:Objective to understand the current situation of stress life events of junior high school students in Shaoxing and its influencing factors, and to provide the basis for the formulation of intervention measures. Methods stratified cluster random sampling was used. A multi-dimensional questionnaire on life events of middle school students was used to investigate 3 397 junior middle school students in Shaoxing city who were randomly selected by stratified cluster. Results the top 5 students' stress life events occurred in order of poor test scores and 72.21 scores. Less than the teacher's expectation, 64.41%, parents nagging 56.20) and parents scolding 40.80%. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that, Urban schools, non-one-child, grade two, grade three, Heavy learning burden is the risk factor of stress life events in middle school students. The B value of stress life events in middle school students is 0.234, 0.210, 0.317, 0.364 and 1.195 P, respectively. The number of close friends is mostly the protective factors of stress life events in middle school students. Conclusion the stress life of middle school students in Shaoxing City is very important. Living events are not optimistic. According to the different characteristics of middle school students, Interventions are urgently needed.
【作者單位】: 浙江省紹興市疾病預防控制中心;中國現(xiàn)場流行病學培訓項目;紹興市人民醫(yī)院;
【基金】:國家自然科學基金重點項目(30972494) 浙江省醫(yī)藥衛(wèi)生科技項目(2012KYB215)


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