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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-08 05:31

  本文選題:網(wǎng)絡(luò)文化 + 社會主義核心價(jià)值觀; 參考:《延邊大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern science and technology, the application of network technology is expanding constantly. The combination of network and culture has formed a new type of culture-network culture. The network culture has changed people's life, work and communication form to a great extent, especially for the college students who can accept the new things most, the network culture has more and more influence on their thinking mode and values. Facing this situation, it is necessary to lead college students with socialist core values and explore how to use network culture to promote the cultivation of socialist core values of college students. The network culture is a kind of culture which takes the network as the carrier and the medium to obtain, transmit, interact and innovate the core of culture, and gradually influences the whole society in the process of operation. The network culture mainly includes three levels of information culture, media culture and social culture. As a new cultural form, network culture has the characteristics of transcending space-time, fictitious, free and sharing. It can not only promote the dissemination of socialist core values education, enrich the content of socialist core values education, but also expand the means of socialist core values education. Speed up the education of socialist core values. The network culture has some negative influence on the cultivation of college students' socialist core values. Therefore, college students in the process of using the network are easily affected by the negative factors of the network, which is not only not conducive to the formation of physical and mental health and values of college students, but also easy to cause the loss of integrity and moral anomie of college students. In the face of the negative influence brought by network culture, we should take corresponding measures to further utilize the characteristics and advantages of network culture to promote the cultivation of correct values, scientific ideas and lofty moral qualities of college students. First, combine the characteristics of network culture background, make good use of network media, give full play to the main role of ideological and political theory course, so that the socialist core values education into the classroom, into the network, into the mind. Second, it is necessary to give full play to the advantages of the main position of ideological and political education, to give full play to the role of students' work departments and staff in daily management and education through the network, and to constantly strengthen students' ability to practice socialist core values. The third is to optimize the network culture environment of colleges and universities, strengthen the construction of network teachers, construct a set of perfect supervision system of campus network, create the sharing system of campus network resources, and create a good atmosphere of network culture for colleges and universities. The fourth is to improve college students' network literacy, cultivate their network political theory quality and ideological quality, strengthen their moral and legal concepts, and enhance their self-discipline and self-study consciousness. Only in this way can college students cultivate and practice socialist core values under the background of network culture.


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