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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-08 02:17

  本文選題:應(yīng)用型學(xué)科 + 民辦本科院校 ; 參考:《教育發(fā)展研究》2017年01期

[Abstract]:At present, the state has officially released a concrete plan for the construction of "double first-class" colleges and universities. Prior to this, a large number of provinces and cities in the country also launched their own "double first-class" university construction plans in advance. It is estimated that the number of undergraduate colleges and universities that are included in the construction of national and provincial "double-class" colleges and universities is more than 200. In addition, there are nearly 500 local colleges and universities run by the local government, more than 400 private colleges and independent colleges, these local colleges and universities next how to develop? In fact, as early as 2015, the country has clearly put forward the requirement of "promoting the transformation of qualified colleges and universities to application-oriented universities", but the transformation and development of universities involves many aspects and cannot be achieved in a single day. In the way of promoting the transformation and development of local undergraduate colleges, we should pay attention to the construction of application-oriented specialty, carry out the "double-qualified" teacher training, and promote the level of production, learning and research.
【作者單位】: 寧波大學(xué)區(qū)域高等教育研究中心;


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