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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-08 00:07

  本文選題:高校畢業(yè)生 + 就業(yè); 參考:《中國高教研究》2017年07期

[Abstract]:Employment of college graduates is a hot topic of social concern. In 2017, with the recovery of the world economy and the stabilization of the domestic economy, the employment of college graduates has become warmer, but the old problems, such as large scale, complex structure, imbalance between supply and demand, and so on, still exist. And appeared the supply "one increase and one decrease", the demand "one liter one decline", the contradiction "one old one new" and so on new characteristic. At the same time, because of the rapid development of new economy and the rapid spread of Chinese experience, the employment of college graduates is faced with a rare historical opportunity such as green development opportunity, new momentum opportunity, health service opportunity, silk road opportunity and BRICS opportunity. In view of the new situation and new opportunities, it is proposed to do the employment work of college graduates well with emotion, responsibility and mission. It is necessary to give comprehensive measures, and to make accurate efforts, and to welcome the success of the Party's 19th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements.
【作者單位】: 青海省教育廳;


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