
當前位置:主頁 > 教育論文 > 初中教育論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2019-07-05 18:21
[Abstract]:The level of teachers' teaching ability directly reflects the quality of teachers, and also has an important impact on the improvement of teaching quality. Teaching ability refers to the ability of teachers to use specific teaching materials to engage in teaching activities and complete teaching tasks, including teachers' organizational design ability, implementation control ability, inspection and evaluation ability and so on. Yunnan is a big province with many nationalities, and ethnic education is an important part of the whole education system in Yunnan. Due to the restriction of geographical environment, the level of economic and social development and other conditions, the development of education lags behind, and there is also a big gap between the overall quality of teachers and urban teachers. The new curriculum reform has put forward higher requirements for the development of teachers' teaching ability. Therefore, the teaching ability of rural middle school teachers in Yunnan minority areas has been improved and the professional growth of teachers has been promoted. It is of positive significance to adapt to the new curriculum reform, to improve the quality of rural education in Yunnan minority areas and to develop the education system in Yunnan Province. First of all, based on the relevant theoretical research, this paper analyzes and summarizes the overall situation of middle school geography education and the situation of teachers in ethnic minority areas of Yunnan Province, clarifies the teaching background of rural teachers in ethnic minority areas, summarizes the influence of Yunnan geography education environment on teacher teaching, and takes 48 rural middle school geography teachers from different parts of Yunnan and prefectures as the object of investigation. Questionnaire survey and interview method are used to investigate the basic situation of teachers, teaching organization design ability, teaching expression ability, teaching inspection and evaluation ability and so on. Because teachers' educational concept and teaching attitude affect the development of teachers' teaching ability, this paper also makes an investigation on teachers' educational concept and teaching attitude, in order to understand and grasp the present situation of teachers' teaching ability more comprehensively. On the basis of investigation, this paper summarizes the problems existing in the teaching ability of geography teachers in rural middle schools in Yunnan minority areas, including the problems of single teaching means, weak teaching evaluation ability and teaching material analysis and processing ability, and innovative ability to be improved. Under the background of education in ethnic minority areas of Yunnan, according to the present situation of teachers' teaching ability, under the theoretical guidance of the internal control path and external control path of the development of teachers' teaching ability, starting from the four aspects that affect the above paths effectively, such as the government, the educational and training institutions, the schools where teachers are located and the individual teachers, this paper puts forward to strengthen the guarantee and support of the government and give full play to the basic role of educational institutions. The school does a good job in optimizing the platform of teacher development, and teachers strive to improve their independent development ability four strategies to realize the development path of teachers' teaching ability.


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