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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-26 16:36
[Abstract]:In the practice of the mathematics education, the teaching reform of the education is constantly being carried out by the mathematics educators, so as to promote the improvement of the students' mathematics accomplishment, various new mathematics education ideas, teaching methods and teaching modes. However, there is a problem that the problem is almost unanimous, that is, the problem of mathematics is not a mathematical problem, meaning that the problem of solving the mathematical thinking ability of the problem cannot be well developed. The reflection of mathematical solution is a more detailed and in-depth consideration and analysis of the process of the examination, the process of solving the problem and the result of the problem after the problem is solved. However, in the practical problem-solving teaching, because of the heavy task of teaching or learning, the teachers and students have little time to reflect on the problem. In the face of the "low in amount and low in amount" 's mathematics problem-solving teaching phenomenon, to strengthen the problem-solving reflection, pay attention to the effective teaching is the general trend. Based on the study of the relevant literature on the reflection of the mathematics problem, this study uses the observation method, the questionnaire and the interview survey method as well as the case analysis method to analyze the present situation of the reflection ability of the high-one student's mathematics problem-solving, and combine the teaching work of the day-to-day mathematical problem solving, It is found that the students' self-reflection consciousness is not rich and the reflection skill is missing in the course of solving the mathematics problem. This is not only the student's own problems, but also the factors that the teacher's guidance is weak. Based on the research and analysis of the students' ability to study the mathematical problems, this paper puts forward some strategies to cultivate the ability of the students to solve the problem. From the point of view of the students, the first is to reflect on the process of the examination, the second is to reflect the knowledge points used in the problem solving, and the third is to reflect on the method and the law of the problem solving. From the teacher's point of view, one is that the teacher should create a situation atmosphere of reflection for the students, enhance the student's body-cutting experience, and the other is that the teacher should learn the prompt of the wave and guide the students to try to use it in solving the problem, and the third is that the teacher should guide the students to set up the wrong subject to reflect the problem. The fourth is that the teacher should guide the students to summarize and solve the problem in the reflection, and the fifth is that the teacher should guide the students to reflect on the problem-solving reflection. The practice of these strategies has led to the continuous improvement of the ability of the high school students to solve the problem.


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