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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-25 18:13
[Abstract]:In today's international cultural environment, all ethnic groups and places began to excavate local culture. However, as far as our nine-year compulsory education process is concerned, primary and secondary school students still show varying degrees of neglect of local culture in their study. Unfortunately, this kind of nutrition teaching, which lacks local culture, is the malpractice of current Chinese education. However, with the deepening of the curriculum reform of basic education in our country, the state emphasizes the language education with humanistic spirit day by day, and should pay attention to the social reality, that is, the extension of the so-called Chinese is equal to the extension of life. Therefore, in the process of school curriculum design and development, it is very important to improve the share of local culture. The full text of the author is always in line with the principle of following the spirit of "outline of basic Education Curriculum Reform (trial)", based on the long and careful investigation of the study and inheritance of local culture in southern Jiangxi. This paper brings Gannan local culture into the vision of Chinese school-based curriculum and explores and designs a new Chinese school-based curriculum structure. In theory, this paper absorbs the latest research on school-based curriculum at home and abroad, and proves the theoretical possibility of the application of local culture in Chinese school-based curriculum resources in southern Jiangxi. In practice, I refer to the more successful cases in various places, and combined with my teaching practice and the characteristics of local culture in southern Jiangxi, initially construct a more reasonable new model of Chinese school-based curriculum design and development of local culture in southern Jiangxi. The main part of this paper mainly includes four chapters: the first chapter summarizes school-based curriculum and local culture from the theoretical framework, and briefly describes the local culture of Gannan, which can be used as school-based curriculum resources. The second chapter begins to explore the value and development conditions of Gannan local culture as Chinese school-based curriculum resources. The third chapter is the design and conception of local cultural Chinese school-based curriculum in southern Jiangxi. The fourth chapter puts forward a series of personal thoughts and suggestions on the local cultural Chinese school-based curriculum in southern Jiangxi. In a word, through the analysis and discussion of the self-value and curriculum value of the local culture in southern Jiangxi, this paper tries to construct the development and implementation scheme, and tries to explore the ideas and models of the development and utilization of school-based curriculum resources. This will provide some exploration paths for the curriculum reform of basic education in our country, especially the curriculum reform of local basic education, which will make the school-based curriculum of local culture a meaningful extension of the current Chinese curriculum, and finally achieve the purpose of improving students' Chinese literacy.


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