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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-25 12:34
[Abstract]:The ancients said, "it is better to have a letter than to have no book." Questioning is often the basis of discovery and innovation, and it is also an important means to guide students' thinking. To guide students to question the text is not to blindly "challenge" the textbook, nor to teach the students to be picky, but to let the students fully talk to the text, carry out bold questioning and critical reading, and finally realize the text subversion or text transcendence, so as to expand their thinking and improve their reading and perception ability. For example, the understanding of the last sentence of Mulan Poems is a key and difficult point in the whole poem.
【作者單位】: 江蘇省泰興市古溪初級(jí)中學(xué);


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