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發(fā)布時間:2019-06-18 21:25
[Abstract]:Objective to explore the effects of physical health belief and self-efficacy theory education on junior high school students' health belief, self-efficacy, exercise participation and physical health, so as to provide theoretical reference for promoting teenagers' physical health. Methods 230 students in Guiyang were educated in physical health belief and self-efficacy by stratified sampling, while 232 students in the control group received routine physical education and health education without intervention. Before and after one year of intervention, the subjects in the two groups were measured with physical health belief scale, self-efficacy scale, exercise participation questionnaire and physical health index. Results after intervention, the scores of perceptual exercise benefits, physique evaluation attitude, physique strength and susceptibility, physique evaluation results attention, emotional efficacy, interpersonal communication and physical health scores were (16.44 鹵0.55) (15.72 鹵0.41) (14.12 鹵0.61) (15.76 鹵0.23) (14.28 鹵4.41) (14.92 鹵4.38), (16.44 鹵0.55) (15.72 鹵0.41) (14.76 鹵0.23) (14.28 鹵4.41) (14.92 鹵4.38), respectively. The scores of (13.74 鹵0.33) (12.66 鹵0.58) (12.40 鹵0.32) (12.57 鹵0.56) (13.20 鹵2.97) (13.13 鹵3.55) (13.43 鹵3.26) of the control group were significantly higher than those of the control group (P 0.05). The exercise time, weekly exercise frequency, vital capacity and step test evaluation index of the experimental group were (0.88 鹵0.64), (58.2%), (56.68 鹵12.69) (66.44 鹵13.20), respectively, which were higher than those of the control group (0.57 鹵0.32), 21.2%, (49.98 鹵12.12) (56.22 鹵9.97) (P, respectively). Conclusion the education of physical health belief and self-efficacy theory can improve the level of physical health belief and self-efficacy of middle school students, and promote the physical health of middle school students, which is worthy of further promotion and application.
【作者單位】: 貴州師范大學(xué)體育學(xué)院;


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