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發(fā)布時間:2019-06-18 19:29
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the new curriculum reform, the majority of teachers pay more and more attention to the innovation of classroom teaching, explore many new teaching methods and teaching models, and form their own teaching styles and teaching systems. Among them, situational teaching method is one of the most widely used and popular teaching methods. According to the psychological age characteristics of middle school students, situational teaching method is a process in which teachers create a good teaching situation and place history teaching in a loose and harmonious environment according to the psychological age characteristics of middle school students, which fully arouses the enthusiasm of students' independent learning and cooperative inquiry, the continuous collision of teachers and students into the spark of thinking, and the long process of teaching between teachers and students. In today's classroom teaching, situational teaching method is not only the best strategy to promote students' active learning, but also an effective way to improve the quality and effectiveness of classroom teaching. However, in the specific teaching practice, we find that there are some problems in the application of situational teaching method: for example, some teachers are teaching in accordance with the requirements of the new curriculum, but they do not really understand the essence of the "new curriculum reform", so they can not effectively implement the objectives and requirements of the new curriculum reform; When some teachers use situational teaching method, they just superficial to create situations, stay on the surface, just form, the classroom seems to be very lively, students seem to "move" up, the main role of students is reflected, but in fact, in a class, students' mastery of knowledge is almost zero, not to mention the improvement of ability, some of the whole class is like a scattered sand. Students do not know the significance of this class, the harvest is very small, the effectiveness of teaching is very poor, and teachers feel helpless and confused. Therefore, how to make better use of situational teaching method and how to improve the effectiveness of situational teaching are the problems to be solved urgently in front of teachers. Therefore, it is particularly important to study the problems and solving strategies of situational teaching method in the process of junior high school history teaching.


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