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指導(dǎo)學(xué)生多元閱讀 提高語(yǔ)文課堂教學(xué)實(shí)效研究

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-18 16:55
[Abstract]:In the age of large data, universal reading is imperative, and the Chinese reading of middle school students in the development and development is more and more concerned. Chinese reading is the most important part of the Chinese language learning in junior middle school. It is an important hand to improve the students' reading ability and to increase the students' reading quality. It is of great importance to instruct the students to make full and effective reading and to improve the effectiveness of the classroom teaching. At present, the reading situation of junior middle school students is not optimistic, and the reason is mainly in the following four aspects: (1) the reading environment is too Utilitarianism, the students' reading interest is not high; (3) The teaching method of reading teaching is inefficient; (4) the evaluation mechanism of reading teaching is surface-oriented. In this study, a town school, such as that slope of the Suzhou industrial park, is selected as a study case, to analyze the students' reading and to read the problems reflected in the classroom teaching, and to give some strategies and suggestions. In order to further promote the development of the school reading of the township school, some references are provided. This paper is composed of three parts: the first part expounds the definition and meaning of the multi-reading, lays the corresponding theoretical foundation for the practice, and the second part of the investigation and analyses the current situation of the students' reading and the Chinese class teaching in the villages and towns, and focuses on the existing problems. The third part is to explore the ways and strategies to guide the students' multi-reading and improve the effectiveness of the classroom teaching. To train the students' reading interest, to select and arrange the reading content, and to improve the reading guidance method, and to enrich the reading and evaluation.


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