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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-17 13:59
[Abstract]:The cultivation of oral English communicative competence of senior high school students in China has been paid more and more attention, but we should make a systematic study and careful investigation on how to carry out oral English teaching effectively in senior high school students and improve their comprehensive language ability in a real sense. Based on the theory of systemic functional linguistics, this paper combs the basic theoretical framework and applied research of systemic functional linguistics, especially the enlightenment of systemic functional linguistics to language teaching, such as register theory, discourse analysis, genre teaching method, situational teaching method, communicative teaching method, etc., combined with contemporary constructivism educational ideas such as "recent development area" and "scaffolding". This paper sums up the theoretical framework of systemic functional linguistics theory applicable to oral English teaching in senior high school, and puts forward some corresponding solutions through the theoretical thinking of communicative approach combined with the problems found in practice. The specific research framework is as follows: the first part: introduction, including research background, research purpose and significance. This chapter first analyzes the needs of oral English teaching in senior high school, and holds that systematic and effective oral teaching in senior high school is necessary and important; secondly, it arranges the achievements of oral teaching research, and makes a preliminary discussion on the existing problems and shortcomings of oral English teaching in senior high school in our country. Finally, the purpose and significance of this study are put forward. The second part: the theoretical basis. Based on the basic theory of systemic functional linguistics, this chapter summarizes the research results of systemic functional linguistics in foreign language teaching, and the role of the organic combination of systemic functional linguistics and constructivism in foreign language teaching. The third part: research and design. This study aims at oral English teaching in senior high school, on the one hand, it puts forward four main factors that affect the implementation of oral English teaching in senior high school, and quantitatively analyzes this hypothesis by quantitative analysis of 200 questionnaires sent to students in three senior high schools by SPSS software; on the other hand, it uses interview method to analyze the effect of communicative approach in oral English teaching in senior high school. The fourth part: the research discovery and the discussion. The fifth part: the exploration of oral English teaching in senior high school based on systemic functional linguistics. This paper mainly probes into the oral English teaching in senior high school from the aspects of oral teaching objectives, content and program design, teaching methods, the comprehensive cultivation of oral English language ability, oral test and so on. The new focus is on the practical application of communicative teaching method and the development of students' individual language ability. Part VI: conclusion. Re-examine this paper, whether the conclusions of this study are in line with the original intention of the study. The innovation of this paper is to put forward some concrete suggestions on the concept, goal setting, teaching mode, method and strategy of oral English teaching in senior high school based on the linguistic view of systemic functional linguistics and its discourse analysis, genre teaching method and contextual theory, combined with the advanced educational ideas such as constructivism educational thought and multi-modal teaching method. According to the feedback of students and teachers on the implementation of communicative approach, it provides more feasible suggestions for oral English teaching in senior high school. It is hoped that this study will be helpful to the overall design of oral English teaching in senior high school and the improvement of teaching methods, and can improve the oral communication ability and comprehensive language quality of senior high school students scientifically and effectively.


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