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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-26 11:32

  本文選題:上海外國語大學 + 雙語學校; 參考:《中小學管理》2017年06期

[Abstract]:A poet said that reading ten thousand volumes of books is a distant place to find time; to walk ten thousand miles away is a distance to find space. Just after the Spring Festival of 2017, a dozen middle school students from Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian and other places arrived in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. Take part in the public welfare walk activity of "Jiang Youwen Lin I read" sponsored by Fan Yang, a bilingual school affiliated to Shanghai Foreign Studies University. The students traversed the Han, Tang, Song, Ming and Qing dynasties in the land of the Yangtze River and Ganyi. Through questioning the literati in the past dynasties, they looked at the rise and fall of Wen Lin, the beauty of poetry and ci, and explored the merits and demerits of the rise and fall of family, and the advantages and disadvantages of literati politics. Four days later, in their notebooks, they hand-painted from Nanchang to Fuzhou and Yue.
【作者單位】: 中小學管理雜志社;


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