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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-26 07:50

  本文選題:中小學(xué)教師 + 教師資格 ; 參考:《廣西師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Education is the foundation of a hundred years of education. Education is the foundation of national revitalization and social progress. It is the fundamental way to improve the quality of the people and promote the all-round development of people. The key to the strong power is to establish a high quality teacher team, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, in 2010, put forward a regular registration system for teachers' qualification certificates. Through regular assessment of teachers, on the one hand, we urge teachers to strengthen their own study and improvement. On the other hand, it breaks the long term system of teachers in our country, opens the passage of teachers, and promotes the continuous optimization of teachers, and then realizes the goal of establishing a high quality teacher team in China. Qinzhou is a wide range. The only pilot city in the West has completed its first registration work before the end of 2012. As a new system, it is closely related to the professional development of teachers. Its implementation will directly affect the vital interests of all teachers. The quality of the implementation will also affect the stability of the teachers and the establishment of high quality teachers and improve the whole education. Therefore, in order to better master the actual situation in the pilot process in Qinzhou, to understand the attitude and suggestions of the first line teachers to the system, it is convenient for the policy makers to improve and improve the registration work before the regular implementation of the regular registration system. The teachers' office of the Guangxi Education office has commissioned the Guangxi teacher training department. The university has carried out research activities on the pilot registration of the regular registration system in Qinzhou. I was lucky to be one of the members of the research team. By using the method of questionnaire and interview, the author carried out the pilot work about the regular registration system of the first line teachers and the local education department staff in Qinzhou's multiple primary and secondary schools. The situation, the investigation of teachers' understanding, satisfaction and attitude, and further analysis of the differences and causes of the teachers in the latter three, and finding out the problems and shortcomings in the pilot process of the regular registration system. Finally, the author comprehensively considers the reasonable demands and maneuverability of the teachers and the feasibility of the improvement and improvement of the registration system. This paper is divided into five parts, and the specific research ideas are as follows: the first part is the introduction, including the reasons for the topic, the significance of the research, the definition of the related concepts, and the literature review of the existing research results. The second part expounds the back of the implementation of the regular registration system for primary and secondary school teachers in Guangxi. It briefly introduces the process of the development of the qualification system for primary and secondary school teachers in Guangxi, and then expounds the necessity and urgency of the implementation of the regular registration system from two aspects of the times background and the theoretical background. The third part is about the investigation and analysis of the pilot of the implementation of the qualification registration system for primary and secondary school teachers in Guangxi. The author uses S The PSS tool has made a statistical analysis on the status of teacher qualification certificate in Qinzhou, Guangxi, the degree of teachers' understanding of the system, the satisfaction of the system and the attitude of the system assessment (including the registration cycle, the examination content and the application of assessment results), in which the difference analysis of the degree and satisfaction of the degree and satisfaction is carried out. Combined with the interview content, the author focuses on the analysis of the related phenomena and the reasons for the difference. The fourth part is about the results of the investigation on the implementation of the regular registration system for primary and secondary school teachers in Guangxi, which are divided into two aspects: the experience summary and the existing problems in the pilot process. The experiences summarized from the pilot work in Qinzhou include: 1, Take effective measures to improve work efficiency; 2, combined with local practice, formulate implementation plans; 3, to deal with problems flexibly in specific circumstances. Through the analysis of survey data, it is found that there are six main problems in the pilot work: 1, teachers are low in the degree of periodic registration system; 2, the standard of periodic registration examination is low; 3, lack of Lack of corresponding incentive punishment mechanism; 4, the subject of regular registration assessment is not clear: 5, teachers' Continuing Education and training is not standardized; 6, the lack of countermeasures for the common problems in the registration work. In the fifth part is the last part, the author puts forward the main problems in the pilot process of the regular registration system in Qinzhou, Guangxi. Four aspects of the improvement and improvement of the system suggestions: 1, take effective measures to expand the degree of teachers' understanding of the regular registration system.2, to refine the various links of the regular system implementation. It includes four points: (1) improve the assessment standards of the regular registration system; (2) design a flexible periodic registration cycle; (3) establish a reasonable regular registration. Procedure; (4) standardize the examination and management institutions of regular registration work; 3, pay attention to the handling of many common problems in the process of system implementation. The author gives the corresponding improvement suggestions.4 from the three problems of "one person multi certificate", "inconsistency of scientific evidence" and "incomplete section card", and establish and improve the relevant supporting system. The main include: (1) sound Teachers' continuing education system and mechanism; (2) establish incentive and disciplinary mechanisms matching with the regular registration system; (3) establish a special funding system for regular registration.


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