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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-25 04:17

  本文選題:學(xué)校武術(shù)教育 + 中華武術(shù); 參考:《北京體育大學(xué)學(xué)報》2016年09期

[Abstract]:Wushu education in schools has always been the focus of discussion by the Ministry of Education and Wushu circles. In view of the embarrassing situation that Wushu education in schools is faced with "surviving in name", scientific research methods, such as consulting documents and using expert consultation, are used to solve this problem. This paper combs the development course of school martial arts education in our country, on the basis of reflecting on the present situation of its development, puts forward the practical way to promote the school martial arts education. The study holds that: for school martial arts, we should not only think deeply from the macroscopic height of the nation and nation, but also put forward concrete and operable methods from the microscopic perspective and the means of education. It is the correct choice to guarantee and promote the reform of school martial arts education. Therefore, it is proposed that "simplify routine and increase confrontation" is the inherent requirement of school martial arts education; "teacher-led, student main body" is the reliable guarantee of school martial arts education; "first coarse, then fine," "Re-precision" is an important method of school martial arts education; "setting off atmosphere and enhancing interest" is the inevitable trend of school martial arts education; "culture and martial arts, morality and arts" is the ultimate concern of school martial arts education. So far, the path choice of practical promotion of school martial arts education provides ideas and references for drawing the blueprint for the future development of school martial arts education.
【作者單位】: 武漢體育學(xué)院;


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