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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-24 12:13

  本文選題:督導(dǎo) + 區(qū)分性督導(dǎo); 參考:《西南大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The key of teaching quality lies in teachers. An important way to promote teachers' development is to improve teachers' teaching ability by means of effective teacher supervision strategies. However, the strategy of teacher supervision in our country is relatively general and single, which pays little attention to the differences of teachers' abilities, does not fully consider the development needs of teachers, nor pays attention to teachers' self-consciousness and free choice. This causes our country's teacher supervision strategy to appear to be unable to do in the promotion teacher development. American primary and secondary schools have rich theoretical and practical experience in distinguishing teachers' supervision strategies. It is emphasized that according to the differences of teachers' teaching level and teachers' development needs, appropriate supervision strategies should be adopted to promote teachers' professional development. The research on the differentiated supervision strategy of American primary and secondary school teachers can provide some reference and inspiration for improving the current teacher supervision strategy in our country. In the 1980s, the teacher quality problem in the United States was widely criticized. At that time, the teacher supervision strategy could not effectively improve the ability of teachers, so people began to think about how to improve the effectiveness of teacher supervision strategies. States and school districts in the United States pay more and more attention to the improvement of teachers' abilities, and the practice of supervision also pays more and more attention to the needs of teachers at different levels, together with the development of the theory of teachers' ability, the theory of adult learning and the theory of differentiated supervision. The differentiated supervision strategy emerges as the times require. The strategy of differentiated supervision in the development of primary and secondary school teachers in the United States is to promote the development of teachers at different teaching levels in order to improve the quality of teaching and the students' academic achievement. It follows the principle of difference, the principle of subjectivity, the principle of development and the principle of democracy. There are three prerequisites for the implementation of the differentiated supervision strategy for the development of primary and secondary school teachers in the United States: first, it can effectively divide the types of teachers, which is the basis of differentiated supervision. Taking the standard of differentiated teachers in Massachusetts, USA as an example, this paper analyzes the classification of teacher types; second, the teacher supervision team has a pluralistic structure, a clear division of labor, and high quality supervisors; and third, schools should have a cultural atmosphere of cooperation. Establish good interpersonal relationships between teachers and supervisors. American primary and secondary schools divide teachers into skilled teachers according to the standard. Teachers should be improved and dissatisfied. The supervision strategies of skilled teachers mainly include action research, peer guidance and professional development teams; the supervision strategies for teachers to be improved are mainly guidance and portfolio; the supervision strategies for dissatisfied teachers mainly include the formulation of intensive assistance programmes. Set up support team and target observation. The implementation of differentiated supervision strategy in American primary and secondary schools not only promotes the development of teachers at different teaching levels, but also improves the cultural atmosphere of schools and strengthens teachers' awareness of development. The central task of teacher supervision in China and the United States is to promote the development of teachers. Therefore, the differentiated supervision strategy of teacher development in American primary and secondary schools can provide the following enlightenment for Chinese primary and secondary school teachers' supervision strategy: first, strengthen the research of teacher competence differentiation, perfect the construction of teacher competence standard system; second, We should optimize the member structure of teachers' supervision and improve the quality of teachers' supervisors. Third, we should advocate equal cooperation among all sides to create a good atmosphere for teachers' supervision. Fourth, we should enrich the teacher supervision strategy base and increase the selectivity and pertinence of the supervision strategy.


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