
當前位置:主頁 > 教育論文 > 初中教育論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-05-23 10:43

  本文選題:高級中學 + 歷史人物。 參考:《陜西師范大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:History is created by human beings and always influenced by human activities. It is an important content of historical research to probe into the activities of historical figures and evaluate their right and wrong merits and demerits. It is an important task of history teaching to understand the life deeds of historical figures and sum up the success or failure of historical figures. In recent years, the teaching of historical figures has been paid more and more attention by teachers. However, as far as the teaching of historical figures in senior high school is concerned, the achievements and problems in teaching materials, teaching methods and learning methods are relatively few in the past. This paper probes into the importance of the teaching of historical figures in senior high schools, the present situation of teaching historical figures in senior high schools, and puts forward some concrete suggestions on how to further optimize the teaching of historical figures in senior high schools. The paper is divided into three parts, introduction, text and conclusion, in order to provide an effective reference for the teaching activities of senior high school historical figures. From the perspective of history, the teaching of historical figures is an important part of history teaching. Teachers and students should understand the role of people in history and their status and value. Starting from the three-dimensional goals of knowledge and ability, process and method, emotional attitude and values, this paper systematically analyzes the role of students in learning history figures. According to the standard of history curriculum and the requirements of the national unified examination of enrollment in colleges and universities, it is further explained that historical figures play an important role in history teaching. At present, high school history figures teaching has made certain achievements, but there are still many problems. This paper analyzes the current teaching situation of historical figures in senior high school from three aspects: teaching material, teaching method and learning situation. In terms of teaching materials, this paper analyzes the Yuelu version of senior high school history compulsory textbooks, from the historical figures gender, region, category, the era, the textbook description and other aspects of quantitative research. In terms of teaching methods, this paper sampled 25 students from Xi'an No. 11 Middle School, and interviewed many history teachers, such as Guo Fubin and Xu Zicheng, on the teaching content, teaching process and teaching language of historical figures. The teaching effect and other aspects of comparative study. In the aspect of learning, this paper investigates students' interest in learning, attitude of historical figures, after-school reading and knowledge reserve. Through a series of data analysis, summed up the high school historical figures teaching achievements and shortcomings. In view of the problems existing in the teaching of historical figures, this paper puts forward some suggestions. As far as the compilation of teaching materials is concerned, editors should select the contents, open their horizons, and distinguish between them. As far as teacher teaching is concerned, teachers should first fully understand the importance of historical figures and pay attention to the learning needs of students. Secondly, they should adhere to the five major principles of restoring historical scenes, paying attention to the development and changes of historical figures, and grasping the details of historical figures. Using the contrast method, the author has realistic vision, and the third is to optimize the method. This paper enumerates the teaching cases of many history teachers, which can be used for reference. As far as students are concerned, students should try their best to read extensively, think clearly, communicate and communicate with their friends in their study life, and form healthy and positive values of life attitude. This study has important theoretical and practical significance for the practical completion of historical figures teaching tasks and the teaching function of historical figures in high school classroom practice.


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