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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-22 13:52

  本文選題:職校語文 + 項(xiàng)目教學(xué); 參考:《四川師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As a basic course, Chinese plays an important role in the whole vocational school curriculum system. However, in the process of practical teaching, students' interest in learning, listening, speaking, reading and writing are poor, and their practical ability is even less. The project teaching method decomposes the curriculum content pertinently into one by one operable project, appropriately unifies the social life, the specialized curriculum, creates the simulation work scene diligently, the student becomes the main body of the whole teaching activity. Based on the teaching of vocational Chinese, this paper studies the problems existing in the process of Chinese teaching in vocational schools, the current situation of Chinese research in vocational schools and the related research of project teaching, and applies relevant educational theories in combination with the research situation of project teaching at home and abroad. The objective, content and methods used in this study are established. Through presenting the detailed implementation method of project teaching in Chinese teaching in vocational school, and applying the implementation method to the actual teaching practice of project teaching, through simulating the work place, creating novel and debating competition three implementation cases, The research results of this paper are obtained by investigating the effect of implementation, interviewing and thinking in the process of practice. This paper tries to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the project teaching method in vocational Chinese teaching, and verifies several key objectives in its implementation. So that teaching researchers and workers in the vocational school language teaching project teaching method can be used for reference and research value. The results show that the project teaching method has a positive effect on the improvement of students' learning interest and comprehensive ability, and it also plays a positive role in the change of students' learning style. That is, through the implementation of the project teaching method in the Chinese curriculum of vocational schools, the students in vocational schools have learned practical basic knowledge of Chinese, increased their interest in language learning and even their interest in professional learning, and enhanced their self-confidence. It has improved the ability of language expression and written writing, developed the ability of autonomous learning and cooperation, and gradually improved the students' comprehensive practical ability in the practice of special projects with rich contents and various forms.


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