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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-21 14:31

  本文選題:初中英語 + 閱讀; 參考:《華中師范大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As one of the four English skills, reading plays an important role in English learning. In order to cultivate students' English comprehensive ability, the author puts forward the requirements at all levels. The understanding of reading articles is no longer a single surface information search, but pays attention to the deep understanding of the article, such as induction, reasoning, information interpretation, sentence pattern transformation and so on. However, due to the influence of the traditional English reading teaching mode, many students often stay on the surface of the article information searching and memory language points in reading articles. The ability of reading, analyzing or reporting the articles is poor, which can be summarized and summarized. The ability to reason is weak. This not only affects the effectiveness of reading, but also reduces the students' interest in reading. Therefore, under the guidance of constructivism theory, Bruner discovery learning method, schema theory and thinking map as a tool, the author designs a reading case based on thinking map. According to the specific content of the article, the author selects the central word and extracts the key words. Connecting branches with lines, presenting the method of reading articles in sentences, words and pictures, assisting English reading teaching, helping students to understand the context of the article, analyzing the main points of the article, strengthening the deep understanding of the article, and improving the students' memory of the text. Help them learn to paraphrase the article. This paper examines the effectiveness of reading plan based on thinking map in English reading teaching by three methods: experimental test, questionnaire survey and personal interview. Through research and analysis, this paper finds that: first, the application of this kind of learning case design in junior high school English reading teaching can make the reading content intuitive and concise, make the level and logic of the article more clear and easy for students to understand. Help students to extract information. Second, in the completion of the mind map reading learning plan at the same time interspersed with knowledge explanation, to create a situation for the explanation, easy for students to understand, remember, learn from the third, the form is not boring. Thirdly, this kind of learning plan can help students to memorize the text quickly and for a long time.


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