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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-21 14:28

  本文選題:糾錯反饋 + 接納 ; 參考:《揚州大學》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:現(xiàn)有的課堂二語習得研究表明,教師話語對學生的目的語學習具有十分重要的作用。作為教師話語的重要組成部分,教師糾錯反饋通過鼓勵學生積極參與課堂互動來提高學生的目的語輸出,通過呈現(xiàn)相關(guān)線索幫助學生意識到自身中介語與目的語之間的差異。此外,教師糾錯反饋也為學生內(nèi)化和完善目的語提供了更多的輸入信息。然而,在國內(nèi),教師反饋話語研究較多關(guān)注學生錯誤和教師糾錯之間的關(guān)系。迄今為止,針對學生接納糾錯反饋的實證研究則相對較少;谏鲜銮闆r,本研究主要探尋高中英語課堂教師糾錯反饋與學生接納的關(guān)系,目的在于促進教師和學生之間更好的課堂互動。本研究試圖回答以下問題: (1)高中英語課堂中教師糾錯反饋和學生接納的分布情況; (2)高中英語課堂中教師糾錯反饋的何種特征會影響學生的即時接納和修正。本研究通過對兩名高中英語教師的課堂觀察(共計18小時)和錄音,基于Lyster的課堂分析框架(1997),對轉(zhuǎn)寫文本進行了分析討論。研究結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn): (1)在高中英語課堂中,教師傾向于采用重鑄的方式糾正學生的錯誤,并且教師傾向于重鑄學生的語法錯誤。與重鑄相比,學會的接納更多地出現(xiàn)在形式協(xié)商之后,其中,澄清請求引起學生更多的接納,而啟發(fā)則引起學生更多的修正。(2)學生傾向于接納教師的意義協(xié)商和語音糾正,并且學生的接納更多地出現(xiàn)在教師直接糾錯之后。此外,修正,即成功接納,更傾向于出現(xiàn)在教師與學生的多次協(xié)商之后。基于以上發(fā)現(xiàn),得出如下課堂教學啟示: (1)教師應(yīng)采用多樣化的糾錯方式糾正學生的錯誤,尤其是采用糾錯意圖明顯的方式;應(yīng)選擇澄清請求和啟發(fā)等形式協(xié)商以鼓勵學生在課堂中進行自我修正和同伴修正; (2)教師應(yīng)為學生提供更多解決語言問題的機會和時間,選擇更明確、更直接的糾錯方法糾正學生的錯誤;最后,教師應(yīng)開展豐富多彩的課堂活動以促進學生的目的語輸出?偠灾,教師課堂上的糾錯反饋對學生的接納產(chǎn)生了重要的影響。糾錯反饋使學生接觸到更多的二語輸入,促使學生更多地參與課堂互動,引起學生的目的語輸出,從而在很大程度上將會提高他們的目的語發(fā)展。
[Abstract]:Current studies on second language acquisition show that teacher talk plays an important role in students' target language learning. As an important part of teacher discourse, teacher error-correcting feedback improves students' target language output by encouraging students to actively participate in classroom interaction, and helps students realize the difference between their own interlanguage and target language by presenting relevant clues. In addition, teacher feedback also provides more input information for students to internalize and improve the target language. However, in China, teacher feedback discourse studies focus more on the relationship between students' errors and teachers' correction. So far, there are relatively few empirical studies on students' acceptance of error correction feedback. Based on the above situation, this study explores the relationship between error-correcting feedback and student acceptance in senior English classroom, with the aim of promoting better classroom interaction between teachers and students. The present study attempts to answer the following questions: 1) the distribution of teacher error correction feedback and student acceptance in senior high school English classrooms; 2) what characteristics of teacher correction feedback in high school English classroom affect students' immediate acceptance and correction. Based on the classroom observation (a total of 18 hours) and audio recording of two English teachers in senior high school, this study analyzes and discusses the transposed text based on the classroom analysis framework of Lyster (1997 / 1997). The results show that: 1) in high school English classes, teachers tend to correct students' mistakes by recasting and teachers tend to recasting students' grammatical errors. Compared with recasting, the acceptance of the Institute appears more after formal negotiation, in which the request for clarification leads to more acceptance of the students, while the inspiration causes the students to have more revisions. 2) students tend to accept the teacher's meaning negotiation and phonetic correction. And the acceptance of students appears more directly after the teacher error correction. In addition, amendments, that is, successful acceptance, tend to occur after repeated teacher-student negotiations. Based on the above findings, the following enlightenments of classroom teaching are obtained: 1) the teachers should adopt a variety of error-correction methods to correct students' errors, especially in the way of obvious error correction intention; Consultations in the form of requests for clarification and inspirations should be chosen to encourage students to undertake self-correction and peer corrections in the classroom; (2) Teachers should provide more opportunities and time for students to solve language problems and choose more clearly. Finally, teachers should carry out rich and colorful classroom activities to promote students' target language output. In a word, error-correcting feedback in teachers' classroom has an important influence on students' acceptance. Error-correcting feedback can make students contact more L2 input, promote students to participate in classroom interaction more, and cause students' target language output, which will improve their target language development to a great extent.


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