
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 教育論文 > 初中教育論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-05-21 12:31

  本文選題:聊城 + 初中生。 參考:《曲阜師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The results of physical health monitoring published by the Ministry of Education in recent years show that the speed, endurance, flexibility and other physical fitness indicators of students have continued to decline, while the number of nearsighted and overweight students has increased significantly, and the physical fitness of students has been seriously decreased. Therefore, taking the situation of the junior high school students in Liaocheng city as the starting point, this paper tries to analyze the relevant factors that affect the students' participation in physical training, and puts forward the relevant countermeasures to solve this problem, so as to explore the situation in line with the situation of our province. The physical training model suitable for junior middle school students in our province can improve the physical quality of middle school students in Shandong Province, enhance their physical and mental health, and promote their moral, intellectual and physical development. All-round development as well as the cultivation of lifelong physical education for students will have important practical significance. Based on the methods of literature, questionnaire and mathematical statistics, this study investigated the situation of junior high school students' participation in after-school physical training activities in Liaocheng City, and analyzed the management factors. The existing problems of extracurricular physical exercise activities of junior high school students in Liaocheng are analyzed in detail from several aspects, such as site factors and students' own factors. The results show that Liaocheng junior high school students participate in exercise mainly from Monday to Friday, the "duration and frequency" of class day is significantly higher than that of weekend. In the former, the students in each school can basically reach the standard of one hour of exercise per day; the number of times of exercise is mainly five times a week, while the weekend is mainly two times a week) the school organizes morning exercises and exercises between classes. Class sports activities and other content is relatively single, lack of innovation and there is often occupied phenomenon, To some extent, the students' enthusiasm to participate in the exercise is not very high.) Liaocheng junior middle school students to participate in after-school physical exercise of the highest selection rate of the school sports venues. In the choice of sports, boys and girls have obvious differences, boys are mainly competitive and adversarial sports, while girls are mainly small impact. Liaocheng junior middle school students' participation motivation is mainly in physical fitness, leisure and entertainment, catharsis and so on. In terms of participation attitude, junior high school students are more active, and the male students' participation enthusiasm is obviously higher than that of female students.) the main factors that affect the students' participation in after-school physical exercise are students themselves, management factors, teachers and facilities. Among them, the students' own factors, the field facilities factor ranked in the first two places. 6) physical education class has the phenomenon of being occupied, the monthly examination and the final examination eve class exercise also has the occupation phenomenon .7) the school leader and the physical education teacher must strengthen the physical education teaching organization management; Improve the quality of teachers, regular professional training; strengthen the site and equipment maintenance and capital investment; create a good campus sports culture atmosphere.


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