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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-21 08:48

  本文選題:語文味 + 變味。 參考:《哈爾濱師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The new curriculum reform program has been implemented for more than ten years, the Chinese classroom has become more active, teachers and students have participated more actively, but the effect of the Chinese classroom has not met the expectations of people. Chinese teaching is still criticized for paying too much attention to others and neglecting itself. How should the Chinese classroom really meet the requirements of the new curriculum standards, in order to meet the characteristics of students' physical and mental development, so as to achieve the overall improvement of students' Chinese literacy? In order to change the present situation, the concept of "Chinese flavor" was put forward by Mr. Cheng Shaotang, a middle school teacher and researcher of Shenzhen Science Science Institute in Shenzhen City in 2001, and the new concept of "Chinese flavor" was first put forward. With the development of the new curriculum reform, after more than 10 years of exploration, "Chinese flavor" has gradually improved from a simple concept to a new teaching theory-"Chinese taste" theory. This article looks at the Chinese classroom teaching from the angle of "Chinese taste". The article firstly combs the concept of "Chinese flavor" and its evolution process, generalizes the characteristics of "Chinese taste", then judges the phenomenon of "Chinese flavor" according to the concept of "Chinese taste", and studies the reason of "variation taste". And try to explore the "Chinese taste" return to the Chinese classroom approach, and finally combined with the "Chinese taste" theory to study the specific teaching cases. Chinese taste is not only the requirement of Chinese class, but also the criterion to measure the success of Chinese class. "Chinese taste" is the essence of Chinese classroom teaching and the soul of Chinese classroom. A Chinese class without Chinese taste cannot be said to be a real Chinese class. As a criterion to measure the success of Chinese course, "Chinese taste" can make us better judge the changing phenomenon of Chinese course, and also help to make Chinese teaching return to Chinese itself. Therefore, the study on the regression of "Chinese flavor" has the dual significance of theory and practice.


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