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  本文選題:網絡民謠 + 語文課程資源 ; 參考:《重慶師范大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:When the new concept of the development and utilization of curriculum resources is put forward in the new curriculum reform, and it is carried out and implemented, it shows that China's basic education curriculum reform has entered a new era. In the Chinese Curriculum Standard of Full-time compulsory Education and the Chinese Curriculum Standard of General Senior Middle School (experiment), the development and utilization of Chinese curriculum resources are also clearly put forward. Internet ballads are not only a part of our life, but also one of the most active language forms. The purpose of this paper is to develop the Chinese curriculum resources in online ballads from the perspective of curriculum resources. The system excavates the knowledge content which is loved by the students and accords with the target of Chinese course. As a Chinese curriculum resource, network ballads can play an active role in Chinese learning, teach in fun, make students learn Chinese happily in life, and improve students' Chinese literacy. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part, introduction. This part mainly summarizes the research reason, the research significance, the concept definition, the related literature review, the research content and the method. The second part, mainly summarizes the network ballad and the Chinese curriculum resources each characteristic, from the content and the form carries on the classification to the network ballad, from the nature, the society, the humanities, the network resources carries on the classification to the Chinese curriculum resources. It also discusses the reality and theoretical basis of network ballad as Chinese curriculum resources. The third part, mainly carries on the textbook test paper statistical analysis, the student questionnaire survey and the teacher interview investigation, analyzes the network folk ballad in the Chinese teaching present situation and the teacher and student's attitude to the network folk rhyme. And discusses the network ballad in the middle school Chinese education value. The fourth part, which is an important part of this paper, mainly discusses the network ballad as a language curriculum resources development principles, explicit and implicit development content, the development of teachers and students in the development of their respective requirements. And finally, with examples, from the Chinese comprehensive learning, thematic lectures and composition creation of three curriculum forms, to develop the network ballad curriculum form. The fifth part, conclusion. This research is mainly summarized, and it is necessary to analyze its innovation and shortcomings.


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