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發(fā)布時間:2019-07-19 11:41
[Abstract]:At present, many colleges and universities specialized in the education of special education, which have brought the opportunity of professional development, have brought a lot of new problems in the construction and development of the specialty. In particular, in the practice of new-rise undergraduate education, the phenomenon of copying the past special scheme is also serious, which has an impact on the cultivation effect of the students. In view of the problems and challenges faced in the work of the students' practice, the new-rise undergraduate education class should actively expand the connotation of the practice target, enrich the practice content, innovate the practice way, carry out the multi-element evaluation, the university and the practice base together prepare, The whole-course follow-up and humanized management of the practice process is carried out, and the teachers' guidance ability between the school and the base is enhanced, so as to promote the professional practice of the new-rise undergraduate education to meet the development requirements of the undergraduate education.
【作者單位】: 山東女子學(xué)院教育學(xué)院;


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