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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-19 23:06

  本文選題:國家善治 切入點:政府會計 出處:《廈門大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》2017年03期  論文類型:期刊論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, a series of laws and regulations have laid down the strategic direction and blueprint for the reform of our government's comprehensive financial reporting system. Its core is the gradual introduction of accrual accounting on the basis of cash budget accounting, the formulation of government accounting standards, and the compilation, auditing and disclosure of government comprehensive financial reports on the accrual basis. However, there are still problems such as low compliance with government accounting standards, poor quality of government financial reports and underutilization of government financial reports. High quality government accounting and financial reporting can enhance good governance practices in the country. The principles of openness, transparency, accountability, participation, response, effectiveness, etc. Many aspects can be realized through the comprehensive financial report of the government. The construction and implementation of the comprehensive financial reporting system of the government of our country can be carried out from the step by step reform, to maintain the unity of relevant policies, to build an automated government financial management information system. Strengthen the construction of human resources, introduce the annual audit system, enhance the usefulness of the report, perfect the supporting policies and learn from the Indonesian experience, in order to promote the practice of good governance in the country and realize the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity at an early date.
【作者單位】: 華僑大學工商管理學院;廈門大學管理學院;
【基金】:教育部人文社會科學研究規(guī)劃基金青年項目“公共部門財務報告內部控制質量:基于組織經(jīng)濟學的經(jīng)驗研究”(15YJC790098);教育部人文社科重點研究基地重大項目“公共部門財務治理問題研究”(14JJD630003) 國家自然科學基金項目“國家治理情境下政府綜合財務報告體系構建”(71473211)


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