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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-18 18:52

  本文選題:奧托立夫公司 切入點:物流人員 出處:《吉林大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

[Abstract]:Changchun Otoliff Automotive Safety system Co., Ltd. is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise invested by the head office of Otoliff, Sweden. The company was established in June 2002 to manufacture seat belts. The function of logistics personnel of Changchun Otoliff Company is to satisfy customer delivery in 100%. This requires seamless connection from supplier to Otoliff Company to customer's entire supply chain. From receiving customer orders to purchasing raw materials, organizing the production of finished products until final delivery to customers. Changchun Otoliff suppliers span 19 countries and regions in Europe and the United States, including the current international and domestic first-class brands such as Volkswagen. Mercedes-Benz, BMW, the Great Wall, etc. Logistics personnel carry the operation of the information flow and physical flow of Otoliff. How did Changchun Otoliff complete its sales behavior and customer satisfaction? Logistics personnel play a vital role. Logistics is a labor-intensive position with high working intensity and tight time. It provides a strong guarantee to meet the requirements of just-in-time supply. Every new project is put in and changed. Logistics personnel are inseparable from the participation of logistics personnel. Changchun Otoliff logistics personnel, although very important, But obviously not enough attention. This paper first describes the current situation of the logistics personnel in Changchun Otoliff. At present, there is no career planning for the basic level personnel in Changchun Otoliff. Most logistics personnel are confused about the career prospects and helpless. We have to settle for the status quo, muddle by, and have no enthusiasm. A small number of employees have the desire to develop but have no chance. People working in logistics for about five years are everywhere. Most of them are still ordinary employees. Although the company will be involved in the future career development in performance appraisal every year, it is basically a lot of thunder and rain, but not in practice. Job performance evaluation for career management, There is no reference meaning, can not provide the improvement basis for the staff career management. Secondly, summarized the main sticking point of career management in Changchun Otoliff Company. One is the lack of knowledge of career management in the whole company. Second, under the monorail system, the career development of the logistics personnel is limited. The satisfaction and loyalty of the ordinary employees to the company are not high. The reason why Otoliff's career management exists again: first, the position setting is rigid, the second is that the recruitment is not forward-looking, the third is that the training goal is not clear, and there is no pertinence. Fourth, the salary and welfare structure is single, and the fifth is that the performance appraisal is too simple. The specific performance is that the company management does not attach importance to the career planning of logistics personnel. Leaders at all levels are not aware of the great significance of career management-the implementation of career management can improve the efficiency of companies, retain talents, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Finally, the paper gives a solution to the dual track path of promotion based on the establishment of career management system, and expounds the significance of career management. Through "Schwann career anchor theory", "Holland career interest theory" and "Griehouse career stage theory" to implement the career design for logistics personnel, according to the specific circumstances of each logistics personnel to provide a suitable career plan; Implement separate management according to different stages of career. Pass seven principles and five steps to accompany the whole work life after the employee enters the job. The dual track career channel and job rotation plan are realized. Both employees and enterprises can obtain win-win results in the optimization of career management scheme. The support of the management and the detailed implementation rules are the guarantee for the implementation of the career management scheme.


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