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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-18 14:52

  本文選題:HRM能力 切入點(diǎn):HRM重要性 出處:《南京社會(huì)科學(xué)》2017年01期  論文類(lèi)型:期刊論文

[Abstract]:The human resource management situation and implementation issues have become the focus of attention, the human resources management system and advanced measures if not properly implemented, the best effect can be reflected. From the perspective of process based on the idea of this study focused on the implementation of human resource management is the strategic human resources management function from the boundary conditions. With the practice of human resource management and implementation of the implementation is closely related to human resources management and senior management personnel, 227 enterprises in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region as samples, to explore the HRM ability and HRM heavy influence on relationship between strategic human resource management and corporate performance. The empirical results show that there is a significant positive correlation the strategic human resource management and enterprise performance, ability of HRM and HRM in the importance of the relationship between the two plays a positive regulatory role, can Significant enhancement of the effectiveness of strategic human resource management performance.

【作者單位】: 南京大學(xué)商學(xué)院;


相關(guān)會(huì)議論文 前1條

1 李善高;曹海軍;劉軍;徐國(guó)萍;孫明洪;朱孝鴻;呂賓;孟立娜;;HRM技術(shù)在瘦素基因啟動(dòng)子多態(tài)性與肝硬化發(fā)生相互關(guān)系研究中的應(yīng)用[A];第二十四屆全國(guó)中西醫(yī)結(jié)合消化系統(tǒng)疾病學(xué)術(shù)會(huì)議專(zhuān)題報(bào)告及論文集[C];2012年

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2 本報(bào)記者 于保平 實(shí)習(xí)生  程錫安;從“保姆”到“管家”HRM外包美麗誘人[N];21世紀(jì)經(jīng)濟(jì)報(bào)道;2003年

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2 李玲;高分辨率溶解曲線(xiàn)(HRM)技術(shù)在高血壓患者M(jìn)THFR基因多態(tài)性篩查中的應(yīng)用[D];河北醫(yī)科大學(xué);2015年

3 謝繼紅;HRM視域下思想政治教育方法研究[D];浙江理工大學(xué);2013年

4 沈茂斌;面向高校決策層的HRM再造研究[D];昆明理工大學(xué);2000年

5 朱彥霞;多關(guān)系關(guān)聯(lián)規(guī)則及其在HRM中的應(yīng)用[D];河南工業(yè)大學(xué);2010年

6 季虹;基于熱比率法(HRM)的莖流測(cè)量及環(huán)境因子修正方法研究[D];東北林業(yè)大學(xué);2012年

7 徐巖;現(xiàn)代國(guó)有商業(yè)銀行HRM創(chuàng)新研究[D];天津大學(xué);2009年




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