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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-18 00:10

  本文選題:招聘風(fēng)險(xiǎn) 切入點(diǎn):招聘風(fēng)險(xiǎn)評(píng)價(jià) 出處:《山東理工大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:With the development of economy, the competition among enterprises is becoming more and more fierce. The competition for talents has become an important capital for enterprises to compete. It is very important for enterprises to recruit high-quality employees, but with the influence of factors such as the strength of enterprises and the complexity of social environment, etc. The risks encountered in recruitment seriously threaten the normal development of enterprises, and even cause risks to enterprises, so it is particularly necessary to study the recruitment risks of enterprises. This paper takes SDXN Company of Zibo City as an example. First of all, on the basis of combing the existing recruitment theory, this paper expounds the recruitment and its characteristics, the basic process of recruitment, methods, recruitment methods, recruitment methods. Secondly, on the basis of the definition of recruitment risk, the risk problems faced by SDXN company are analyzed in detail, and the recruitment risk factor system of SDXN company is constructed according to these problems. And through the design of questionnaires, the use of statistical methods to screen the factors in the factor system, according to the selected indicators for expert scoring, and through the cloud model theory to evaluate the risks in recruitment. The countermeasures of avoiding the risk in the recruitment process of SDXN Company are put forward. The following results have been obtained in this paper: first, the recruitment system and the process mode of recruitment are the most harmful factors to the recruitment risk of SDXN Company. The concrete manifestation is that the recruitment lacks effective supervision mechanism, does not use the specialized means to carry on the recruitment, needs to further strengthen the rationality of the employment contract, perfect the recruitment channel and the position design, at the same time raise the professional level of the recruiter. In view of the recruitment risk of SDXN Company, the recruitment mechanism, the legal consciousness, the recruitment team construction, the recruitment information management, the scientific recruitment should be taken into account. The research of this paper is of practical significance to guide the recruitment of SDXN Company.


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