
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 管理論文 > 成本管理論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-17 11:45
[Abstract]:In recent years, the relevant state departments have taken decisive steps to issue a series of environmental protection policies and measures, especially in the areas of air pollution prevention and environmental law enforcement, to guide and force iron and steel enterprises to increase investment in environmental protection. Strengthening environmental protection management in an all-round way endows iron and steel enterprises with new connotations in environmental protection. The organic combination of adjusting and optimizing structure, strengthening innovation drive and protecting ecological environment has become the only way to promote the transformation and upgrade of iron and steel enterprises and to realize sustainable development. Starting with the basic composition of environmental cost in iron and steel enterprises, this paper introduces the necessity and existing problems of environmental cost control in iron and steel enterprises, and probes into the environmental cost management strategy of iron and steel enterprises based on sustainable development.
【作者單位】: 江西新余鋼鐵集團(tuán)有限公司財(cái)務(wù)處;


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9 莊希R,




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