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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-16 19:29
[Abstract]:Rail transit is highly praised by passengers because of its comfort, safety and punctuality, but it can not provide door-to-door service due to the high cost in the construction process. As an extension of rail transit, bus connection can provide passengers with more flexible and more extensive services. At the same time, the design of bus connection network, the most important component of bus system, has been paid more and more attention by people. At present, the research perspective of bus network design is mainly from the internal elements of bus connection system, the internal elements of the system and the relationship between the internal elements; The research on the coordination relationship between bus and rail transit is relatively lacking. The coordination between rail transit and rail transit can not only improve the efficiency of rail transit and transit system, thus improve the service level of the system, but also improve the integration of rail transit and transit system. Reduce travel time costs for passengers. To solve the problem of bus network design, firstly, based on the coordination theory of rail transit and bus connection, the paper constructs the minimum of passenger travel cost and operator cost as the optimization goal and the length of the line. The design model of the bus network is based on the integer coordination between the line capacity and the frequency between the rail transit and the bus. Secondly, the Lingo mathematical optimization software is used to verify the model, which proves the accuracy and validity of the model. Thirdly, the sensitivity analysis of the parameters in the model shows that: first, the total cost of the system will increase when there is coordination, but the travel time cost of passengers will decrease; second, in the case of coordination, The total cost of the system will increase linearly with the increase of unit bus operation cost, passenger travel time cost, passenger waiting time cost, passenger flow, rail passenger ride cost. Track stations increase and decrease. Finally, genetic algorithm is used to solve the designed examples. By comparing the accuracy, efficiency and size of the two algorithms, it is found that the genetic algorithm has a greater advantage in solving the model. The coordinated operation of bus and rail transit, on the one hand, can attract more passengers to take the public transport, reduce the number of cars, and play a great role in protecting the environment; On the other hand, it can promote the development of public transport, form a benign cycle of public transport development, promote the integration of public transport, and improve the competitiveness and attraction of public transport.


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