

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-20 07:59

  本文選題:財(cái)務(wù)柔性 + 投資不足; 參考:《山東大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As one of the most important economic activities, investment runs through the whole life cycle of an enterprise and is an important factor affecting its future development. The correct investment decision can inject more cash flow and enhance the value of the enterprise, otherwise it may bring irreparable losses to the enterprise. In reality, due to the existence of principal-agent conflict and information asymmetry, the inefficient investment behavior of companies is very common. So how to improve the investment efficiency and restrain the non-efficient investment behavior is an urgent problem to be solved. In the current process of globalization, enterprises are facing more and more complex economic environment, the concept of financial flexibility came into being, coupled with the fact that China is at a critical moment of economic transformation and upgrading, the uncertainty risks are aggravated. Many enterprises reserve a certain level of financial flexibility to deal with emergencies, timely access to capital support, grasp the favorable investment opportunities. At the same time, the internal control system of our country's enterprises is gradually consummated, the high quality internal control can improve the internal management level of the company, discover and correct the deviation in the process of investment decision and execution in time. Prevent management from choosing projects where NPV is less than 0 or if NPV is greater than 0. Based on the above background, this paper explores whether financial flexibility can improve the investment efficiency of listed companies in practice, and bring the internal control into the analysis framework, combined with the property rights of listed companies. This paper probes into the influence of internal control on the relationship between financial flexibility and inefficient investment. This paper uses the method of theoretical analysis and empirical test to define the concepts of internal control, financial flexibility, inefficiency investment and so on. Internal control and inefficient investment relations are reviewed and reviewed to provide a theoretical basis for empirical testing. Secondly, we choose China's A-share manufacturing listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2012 to 2015 to study the impact of financial flexibility on the underinvestment and over-investment of enterprises. The paper also examines the governance effect of internal control on the relationship between financial flexibility and inefficient investment in order to provide theoretical and data basis for improving the investment efficiency of listed companies in China and gradually enhancing the company value. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the less flexible financial reserves, the more serious the underinvestment phenomenon is. Effective internal control can alleviate the information asymmetry to some extent. The higher the level of financial flexibility, the more serious the over-investment phenomenon is, and the higher the internal control quality is, the less the agency conflict the company faces, and the lower the level of financial flexibility, the more serious the over-investment phenomenon is, and the higher the level of financial flexibility is, the more serious the over-investment phenomenon is. Therefore, after restraining the over-investment of financial flexible reserve in the company. (3) further distinguishing the property right nature, this paper finds that compared with the state-owned holding company, The governance effect of internal control on the relationship between financial flexibility and non-efficiency investment is more obvious in non-state holding companies. Therefore, reasonable reserve financial flexibility and good internal control mechanism can effectively solve the problem of inefficient investment of listed companies. Finally, according to the theoretical and empirical research conclusions, this paper puts forward some suggestions from the aspects of perfecting the internal control system and reasonable reserve financial flexibility, and provides a new direction for further research.


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