

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-20 02:24

  本文選題:納稅籌劃 + 營(yíng)改增; 參考:《黑龍江八一農(nóng)墾大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:At present, most enterprises in our country carry out tax planning work through tax avoidance planning, tax saving planning and transfer planning, and the ultimate goal of planning is to reduce the cost and increase efficiency. Raising economic benefits. With the promotion of the pilot project of "business reform and increase", the tax burden of enterprises has changed greatly, and new requirements have been put forward for the tax planning of enterprises. In this paper, Huadian Energy Company, the most prestigious listed thermal power company, is chosen as the research object. By means of literature search, field interviews, comparative analysis and other methods, the financial situation and tax burden of Huadian Energy Company are deeply understood. Based on the detailed classification and analysis of the tax planning situation, and the relevant documents of Huadian Energy Company, such as the notice on promoting the pilot Project of Business Reform and increasing, and other relevant documents, the tax planning of the company is investigated in detail. The tax planning scheme of the company is analyzed. However, it is also found that there are shortcomings. By putting forward corresponding suggestions in order to guide the company to correctly carry out tax planning, to promote the rational arrangement of enterprises involved in business reform and increase, to fully plan that they can enjoy tax benefits and strive to reduce costs. Strive to improve the future of the new level of profit and the overall market competitiveness of enterprises. The content of this paper is divided into six parts: the first part gives a brief overview of the research background, research purpose and significance, domestic and foreign research status, research content and methods. The second part mainly introduces the basic situation and financial situation of Huadian Energy Company, investigates its tax status, and makes a comparison with the tax burden level of the same industry. The third part analyzes the necessity and urgency of tax planning according to the course and financial situation of Huadian Energy Company. The guiding ideology and goal of tax planning are summarized, and the scheme of tax planning is clarified. The fourth part expounds the implementation and effect of tax planning. The fifth part, according to the existing tax planning problems, puts forward some suggestions to improve the tax planning work of Huadian Energy Company, and puts forward the following suggestions: clarifying the tax planning requirements, perfecting the tax planning objectives, and perfecting the tax planning scheme. In order to ensure the feasibility of the tax planning scheme, this paper helps the enterprise to perfect the tax planning scheme, and puts forward the establishment of the relevant safeguard mechanism. The sixth part is the conclusion and prospect of the full text.


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