
當前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 財務管理論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-04-20 09:52

  本文選題:研發(fā)支出 + 資本化。 參考:《華東交通大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The main pillar of the country's further promotion of social productivity and comprehensive national strength is the continuous improvement and innovation of science and technology. Our country emphasizes the innovation ability in all aspects, pays attention to the development of science and technology, and implements the strategy of innovation to promote development. At present, our country mainly through the research and development science and technology achievement, and lets its massive production bring the capital benefit, thus stimulates the economic transformation upgrading and the sustainable development. In 2006, our country promulgated the new accounting standards, in order to promote R & D, it stipulated that the R & D expenditure should be changed from expense to conditional capitalization. However, the distinction between the research stage and the development stage is not clear. The capitalization condition is subjective and there is no mandatory requirement for R & D disclosure. With the continuous increase of R & D investment, enterprises usually use these problems to implement earnings management in practice. In order to reduce this kind of behavior and make the market develop better, the research on capitalized earnings management of R & D expenditure becomes more and more important. In this paper, earnings management is defined as neutral earnings management. Watson Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in the biomedical manufacturing industry is chosen as the research object. This paper analyzes the earnings management of R & D expenditure capitalization. Firstly, it summarizes and combs the research on R & D expenditure and earnings management in the existing literature; secondly, introduces the related theories of R & D expenditure and earnings management, and finds out the problems that should be paid attention to in the process of treatment by comparing the accounting treatment methods of R & D expenditure. This paper summarizes the motivation of earnings management, summarizes the identification methods of earnings management, analyzes the relationship between capitalized R & D expenditure and earnings management, and then combines Watson's biological case based on the theory. From the perspective of the total R & D investment, the capitalization rate of R & D expenditure, the abnormal situation is analyzed, and the earnings management is identified by the identification method of earnings management, such as measuring the degree of earnings management with the method of econometric model, and using the method of motivation identification to identify the motivation from the contract. From the angle of smoothing income motivation and capital market, this paper analyzes whether R & D expenditure is used to implement earnings management, and finally puts forward some problems and pertinent suggestions on the basis of cases. The results show that there exists the behavior of earnings management by capitalizing R & D expenditure to some extent. Because the case study is adopted in this paper, it has some limitations in some aspects, such as, to a certain extent, it only indicates that the company has the behavior of using R & D expenditure for earnings management, and it may not be sufficient in putting forward questions and suggestions, etc. In the future, we can start with the actual operation of enterprise R & D expenditure, identify earnings management with many different methods, and analyze the capitalized earnings management of R & D expenditure by comparing the data of different industries, so as to make the securities market more standardized.


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