
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 法律論文 > 國際法論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2019-04-27 18:30
[Abstract]:As one of the most important sea areas in the world, the security and stability of the South China Sea is related to the interests of the neighboring countries and even the global trading partners. Maintaining the safety of navigation in the South China Sea and strengthening the cooperation and exchange on the search and rescue of human lives can not only show the spirit of humanitarian relief but also promote economic and trade exchanges between countries. Therefore, it is realistic and necessary to study the relevant legal issues of South China Sea countries' search and rescue cooperation. This paper focuses on the relevant legal issues of search and rescue cooperation in the South China Sea, starting from two elements: substantive cooperation and procedural cooperation. This paper regards the cooperation of countries in the area of responsibility for maritime search and rescue as substantive cooperation, and divides the procedural cooperation into the emergency stage of search and rescue, the phase of suspension or termination and the stage of restart. By analyzing the composition, problems and reasons of the two elements in the process of search and rescue cooperation in the South China Sea, this paper puts forward how to construct the cooperation mechanism of the search and rescue of the countries in the South China Sea, and discusses the role played by China in this mechanism. The first chapter is an overview of search and rescue cooperation among countries in the South China Sea. Through the definition of the concept, the particularity of search and rescue in South China Sea is obtained, and the basis of search and rescue cooperation among countries in the South China Sea is analyzed, and then the category of search and rescue cooperation among countries in the South China Sea is drawn. The second chapter studies the composition of the search and rescue cooperation system between countries in the South China Sea. Through the existing practical cases of search and rescue, this paper discusses the substantive and procedural elements of the search and rescue cooperation system, explains the cohesive relationship between the two, and logically analyzes the composition of the system of search and rescue cooperation. The third chapter reveals the problems of search and rescue cooperation among countries in the South China Sea and discusses the causes of the problems. From the appearance of the problems existing in the cooperation of search and rescue among countries in the South China Sea, the legal problems that exist behind the problems, namely, the disputed sea area, the theory of harmless passage and the accession to the search and Rescue Convention, are analyzed in depth. Analyze the impact of these problems on search and rescue cooperation among countries in the South China Sea. The fourth chapter puts forward the construction of the search and rescue cooperation mechanism among the countries in the South China Sea and the promoting role of China in the search and rescue cooperation in the South China Sea. This paper summarizes the key contents of the search and rescue cooperation mechanism among countries in the South China Sea, and puts forward the view that China should promote the construction of the search and rescue cooperation mechanism among countries in the South China Sea and promote the establishment of regional or bilateral cooperation agreements for search and rescue among countries in the South China Sea.


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