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  本文選題:海洋施肥 + 地球工程。 參考:《中國(guó)海洋大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:在氣候變化背景下,地球工程技術(shù)作為應(yīng)對(duì)氣候變化的“B計(jì)劃”受到國(guó)際社會(huì)的日益關(guān)注,海洋施肥被認(rèn)為是地球工程形式之一,大規(guī)模與商業(yè)化的海洋施肥活動(dòng)不斷出現(xiàn),嚴(yán)重影響海洋生態(tài)環(huán)境,亟需國(guó)際法的規(guī)制。然而,在科研領(lǐng)域,海洋施肥實(shí)驗(yàn)是一項(xiàng)傳統(tǒng)的海洋科學(xué)研究,以小規(guī)模為主,具有合法性,不受國(guó)際法的特別約束,因此,如何規(guī)制海洋施肥活動(dòng)成為國(guó)際法的重要議題。 針對(duì)大規(guī)模與商業(yè)化海洋施肥“屢禁不止”的困境,首先,本文從縱向的“國(guó)際法規(guī)制歷程”與橫向的“國(guó)際法框架”兩個(gè)層次上對(duì)海洋施肥的國(guó)際法規(guī)制進(jìn)行了梳理;其次,針對(duì)“放置許可”制度的“全球、透明、有效”的適用,本文從“價(jià)值導(dǎo)向”與“國(guó)際法的協(xié)調(diào)與整合”兩方面入手進(jìn)行了完善。 本文主要分為五章,對(duì)氣候變化背景下海洋施肥的國(guó)際法規(guī)制進(jìn)行分析: 第一章介紹海洋施肥的概念、以及大規(guī)模與商業(yè)化海洋施肥活動(dòng)產(chǎn)生的背景及面臨的國(guó)際法規(guī)制困境,為下文海洋施肥國(guó)際法規(guī)制的分析打好基礎(chǔ)。 第二章分析海洋施肥的法律地位,首先,對(duì)海洋施肥法律地位界定涉及的三種觀點(diǎn)進(jìn)行了分析,包括“傾倒說(shuō)”、“放置說(shuō)”、“污染說(shuō)”;其次,海洋施肥的法律地位經(jīng)歷了從爭(zhēng)議到確立的階段,文章在對(duì)海洋施肥法律地位分析的同時(shí),也從縱向上對(duì)海洋施肥國(guó)際法規(guī)制的歷程也進(jìn)行了詳細(xì)的梳理。 第三章主要分析與海洋施肥相關(guān)的國(guó)際法,針對(duì)海洋施肥的國(guó)際法規(guī)制,分別對(duì)不同的國(guó)際法的適用進(jìn)行剖析,以從宏觀上把握海洋施肥國(guó)際法框架。 第四章是審視現(xiàn)有的國(guó)際法框架,,提煉了除國(guó)際法“不成體系”的特點(diǎn),并以現(xiàn)有國(guó)際法框架為基礎(chǔ),分析了“放置許可”制度適用及不足!胺胖迷S可”制度的法律基礎(chǔ)在于風(fēng)險(xiǎn)預(yù)防原則,但對(duì)于海洋施肥形成“全球、透明、有效”的國(guó)際法規(guī)制,仍面臨著諸多的挑戰(zhàn),需要進(jìn)一步完善。 第五章是提出完善建議,即對(duì)于海洋施肥的國(guó)際法規(guī)制,為有效約束大規(guī)模商業(yè)化海洋施肥活動(dòng),以《防止傾倒廢物及其他物質(zhì)污染海洋公約1996年議定書》“放置許可”制度為核心,通過(guò)確立“人類共同利益”的價(jià)值導(dǎo)向以及通過(guò)相關(guān)國(guó)際法的協(xié)調(diào)與整合,對(duì)海洋施肥的國(guó)際法規(guī)制提出了完善建議。
[Abstract]:In the context of climate change, geo-engineering technology, as a "plan B" to deal with climate change, is increasingly concerned by the international community. Ocean fertilization is regarded as one of the forms of geoengineering, and large-scale and commercialized marine fertilization activities continue to appear. The marine ecological environment is seriously affected and the regulation of international law is urgently needed. However, in the field of scientific research, ocean fertilization experiment is a traditional marine scientific research, mainly on a small scale, with legitimacy, and not subject to the special constraints of international law. Therefore, how to regulate ocean fertilization activities has become an important issue in international law. In view of the dilemma of "repeated prohibition" of large-scale and commercialized marine fertilization, firstly, this paper combs the international law regulation of ocean fertilization from the vertical "course of international law regulation" and the horizontal "framework of international law". In view of the "global, transparent and effective" application of the "placement permit" system, this paper improves the "value-oriented" system and the "coordination and integration of international law" from the aspects of "value orientation" and "coordination and integration of international law". This paper is divided into five chapters to analyze the international law regulation of ocean fertilization in the context of climate change. The first chapter introduces the concept of ocean fertilization, the background of large-scale and commercialized ocean fertilization activities and the difficulties of international law regulation, which lays a good foundation for the analysis of the international regulation of ocean fertilization. The second chapter analyzes the legal status of marine fertilization. Firstly, it analyzes the three viewpoints involved in defining the legal status of marine fertilization, including "dumping theory", "placement theory", "pollution theory". The legal status of ocean fertilization has gone through the stage from controversy to establishment. The article analyzes the legal status of ocean fertilization at the same time, it also makes a detailed analysis of the process of regulation of marine fertilization in international law. The third chapter mainly analyzes the international law related to marine fertilization, aiming at the international law regulation of marine fertilization, analyzes the application of different international law, in order to grasp the international framework of marine fertilization from the macro perspective. The fourth chapter examines the existing international law framework, abstracts the characteristics of "fragmentation" in addition to international law, and analyzes the application and deficiency of the "placement permit" system based on the existing international law framework. The legal basis of the "place permit" system lies in the principle of risk prevention, but the international law regulation of "global, transparent and effective" of ocean fertilization still faces many challenges and needs to be further improved. The fifth chapter is to put forward some suggestions, that is, the regulation of ocean fertilization in international law, in order to effectively restrict the large-scale commercial ocean fertilization activities. With the 1996 Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matter as the core, by establishing the value orientation of the "common interests of mankind" and through the harmonization and integration of relevant international law, Some suggestions on the regulation of ocean fertilization in international law are put forward.


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