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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-16 19:34

  本文選題:滅活疫苗 + 甲肝病毒; 參考:《吉林大學(xué)》2006年碩士論文

【摘要】:我國(guó)是肝炎大國(guó),人群的甲肝感染率很高,屬甲肝流行的高發(fā)區(qū)。預(yù)防甲肝最安全和有效的措施是接種甲肝疫苗。當(dāng)前使用的疫苗共有2種類(lèi)型:甲肝減毒疫苗和甲肝滅活疫苗。國(guó)內(nèi)普遍使用甲肝減毒疫苗,而國(guó)外使用的全部為滅活疫苗。本課題是將甲肝患者糞便中分離的甲型肝炎病毒,在Vero細(xì)胞中進(jìn)行適應(yīng)性培養(yǎng),選肓出高滴度的適應(yīng)株,用于甲肝滅活疫苗研究。用選肓出的甲肝病毒毒株在Vero細(xì)胞中連續(xù)傳代,檢測(cè)其抗原滴度和感染性滴度,滿(mǎn)意后可用此做毒種生產(chǎn)甲肝滅活疫苗。本實(shí)驗(yàn)選用的BL-08株,經(jīng)各項(xiàng)理化實(shí)驗(yàn)證實(shí)為甲型肝炎病毒,該病毒經(jīng)Vero細(xì)胞9次適應(yīng)性傳代以后,病毒滴度高達(dá)2048,感染性滴度為7.33 LogCCID50/ml,初步證明可做為甲型肝炎滅活疫苗的候選毒株.
[Abstract]:Our country is a big country of hepatitis, the infection rate of hepatitis A is very high, belong to the high incidence area of hepatitis A. The safest and most effective way to prevent hepatitis A is to vaccinate against it. There are two types of vaccines currently in use: attenuated hepatitis A vaccine and inactivated hepatitis A vaccine. Hepatitis A attenuated vaccine is widely used in China, while inactivated vaccine is used abroad. In this study, hepatitis A virus isolated from feces of patients with hepatitis A was cultured adaptively in Vero cells, and high titer adaptive strains were selected for the study of inactivated hepatitis A vaccine. The antigenic titer and infectious titer of the selected HAV strain were continuously subcultured in Vero cells and the inactivated hepatitis A vaccine could be produced by using this vaccine. The selected BL-08 strain was confirmed to be hepatitis A virus by various physical and chemical experiments. The virus was subcultured by Vero cells for 9 times. The titer of the virus was as high as 2048 and the infectious titer was 7.33 LogCCID 50 / ml, which was proved to be a candidate for inactivated hepatitis A vaccine.


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