[Abstract]:Since its publication in 1996, Yan Geling's work "Fusang" has been well received by Kathy for its exquisite style of writing and unique writing method. Silber translated into English in Europe and the United States in the major book market best-selling. Critics focus on the analysis of characters, contrastive analysis and writing skills. This paper, from a different angle, namely staring and Foucault's panoramic open view theory, deeply analyzes and explores that staring under patriarchy is not unidirectional, but not only male gazing. It occurs in both directions: men attempt to control, possess and discipline women through gaze; At the same time, women do not passively accept male gaze, but gradually grow into a moderate resistance to male gaze an important force, subverting male dominant power in the patriarchal society, completing the discipline of men. The thesis consists of three parts. The first part is the first chapter, mainly introduces the author Yan Geling and his work Fusang, as well as the domestic and foreign research summary of this work. The second part is the main body of the article, including the second, third, and 43 chapters. The second chapter is the theoretical basis of the thesis: staring and Foucault's panoramic open view theory. Foucault developed the panoramic open view theory from the prototype of Bentham Round Prison, which uses gaze as a medium to control, possess and discipline the efficacy of gaze objects. The traditional gazing theory holds that in the patriarchal society, women are weak in power relations and can only passively accept the gaze of men and then be controlled and disciplined by men. Foucault's panoramic open view theory holds that society as a whole is a network of power relations, in which every individual is interconnected, so that women, while being stared at by men, also initiate anti-gaze. To dispel the purpose of being disciplined and controlled by men. The third chapter discusses the male gaze on women under the patriarchal system, namely the two male characters in the novel Chris and Da Yong's gaze on Fusang. As the product of American patriarchal society, Chris gazed at Fusang from two angles of culture and gender. Da Yong is the representative of Chinese patriarchal society. He also gazes at Fusang from the angle of gender, both of which are aimed at discipline and possession of Fusang. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the female gaze to the male, that is to say, analyzes the resistance power in the power relation, Fusang, with her gentle silence and tolerant female gaze, launches the resistance and the challenge to the patriarchy. Through her gaze, both Chris and Da Yong have changed dramatically. Fusang successfully challenged patriarchy. The third part is the fifth chapter, summarizes the full text, calls for more attention to the phenomenon of gaze under the patriarchal social system and equal and fair treatment of people, to establish a more friendly and harmonious society.
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