本文選題:宋人筆記 + 稱謂詞語。 參考:《山東大學》2013年博士論文
【摘要】:宋代筆記之作繁盛,其內容包羅萬象,口語化的程度也較高,是語言研究的有效資料。本文從紛繁的宋人筆記中選取了九部口語化程度較高的作品作為研究對象,主要采取定量統(tǒng)計與逐類分析結合、共時描寫與歷時比較結合、語言分析與文化闡釋結合等綜合研究方法,將語料中的稱謂詞語分為親屬稱謂與社會稱謂兩大類進行系統(tǒng)的分析研究。首先,在認真閱讀文本的基礎之上,找出其中的全部約1780個稱謂詞語(此數(shù)據(jù)不含人名稱謂),對它們作出系統(tǒng)而詳盡的分類;其次,全面而廣泛地考察每類稱謂詞語的真實面貌,對一些前人研究未完善的詞語,分析用法,解釋意義,并依據(jù)語言事實進行求證;第三,對一些在漢語史各個不同時期有發(fā)展變化的稱謂詞語,將其置于漢語的動態(tài)發(fā)展史中,考察其在不同時期的發(fā)展變化情況;第四,從多角度發(fā)掘稱謂詞語中所蘊涵的歷史、文化因素;第五,總結宋人筆記稱謂詞語研究的貢獻以及不足之處。論文共分五章。 第一章:緒論。包括四個部分:漢語稱謂詞語研究的歷史與現(xiàn)狀,宋人筆記稱謂詞語的研究價值,語料的選擇及研究方法,稱謂詞語概念的界定及分類。通過對漢語稱謂詞語研究的歷史與現(xiàn)狀進行回顧與總結,發(fā)現(xiàn)宋代稱謂詞語研究是其中的薄弱環(huán)節(jié),因而對宋人筆記稱謂詞語的研究具有重要意義:一方面對近代漢語研究有重要參考意義,另一方面可以填補專書稱謂詞語研究的空白,對斷代稱謂詞語研究有重要幫助,同時對詞典編纂也有一定的參考價值。 第二章:親屬稱謂詞語。包括四個部分:第一部分,血親稱謂,按照輩分順序對語料中出現(xiàn)的180多個表示血緣親屬關系的稱謂詞語進行細致的分析、描寫。第二部分,姻系稱謂,按照夫族親屬、妻族親屬的順序對語料中出現(xiàn)的近70個表示婚姻親屬關系的稱謂詞語進行詳盡的分析與描寫。第三部分,總稱與合稱,對語料中出現(xiàn)的各種親屬的總稱與合稱進行研究。第四部分,宋人筆記親屬稱謂的特點及其文化內涵,總結筆記親屬稱謂詞語的構詞特點、使用特點,發(fā)掘其中蘊藏的文化內涵。筆記親屬稱謂詞語特別關注父系血緣關系的遠近,男女性別和年齡、輩分的差異,血親與姻親的分別,體現(xiàn)出長幼有序、男女有別、內外有別的特點,這是由中國宗法制社會的歷史文化背景所決定的,同時,這些差別也從一個側面反映出宋代社會乃至整個中國社會的歷史文化特點,突出表現(xiàn)為:以家庭血緣紐帶維系的宗法制度、以“孝悌”為集中體現(xiàn)的社會倫理道德觀念、強烈的尊卑有定的等級意識。 第三章與第四章以語義特征為綱,構詞特征為目,對語料中出現(xiàn)的社會稱謂詞語進行詳盡、細致的分析描寫。 第三章:社會稱謂詞語(上)。包括三個部分:第一部分,身份社會稱謂,包括10個貴族稱謂、39個平民稱謂、57個文人稱謂、5個武人稱謂、17個賊盜稱謂、8個囚犯稱謂、9個隱逸稱謂、12個行旅稱謂、51個民族稱謂、72個宗教徒稱謂、184個官吏稱謂。第二部分,職業(yè)社會稱謂,包括33個農(nóng)牧漁樵獵類職業(yè)稱謂、95個工人類職業(yè)稱謂、19個商人類職業(yè)稱謂、76個兵將稱謂、14個醫(yī)類職業(yè)稱謂、14個巫師術士類職業(yè)稱謂、5個乞丐稱謂、13個妓女稱謂、6個媒妁類職業(yè)稱謂、16個勞工雜役類職業(yè)稱謂。第三部分,社會交際關系稱謂,包括17個同類關系稱謂、23個朋友稱謂、7個仇敵稱謂、8個鄰里稱謂、8個同事稱謂、46個主仆關系稱謂、25個主客關系稱謂、28個師生關系稱謂、13個上下級關系稱謂、5個其他關系稱謂。 第四章:社會稱謂詞語(下)。包括七個部分:第一部分,特征稱謂系統(tǒng),包括17個由身體特征得來的稱謂、101個由品行才智得來的稱謂、8個由經(jīng)濟狀況得來的稱謂、34個由居住地域得來的稱謂。第二部分,性別稱謂系統(tǒng),包括12個男人稱謂、38個女人稱謂和4個合稱。第三部分,年齡稱謂系統(tǒng),包括19個兒童稱謂、6個青少年稱謂、33個老人稱謂和4個合稱。第四部分,帝王稱謂系統(tǒng),包括59個帝王稱謂、74個帝王的親屬稱謂、47個帝王的近侍護衛(wèi)人員包括隨從護衛(wèi)人員、宦官、宮女的稱謂。第五部分,指代性稱謂系統(tǒng),本文所謂指代性稱謂是指在特定語境中即通過對話產(chǎn)生的人際稱謂,包括自稱、對稱、他稱、泛稱、旁稱。“自稱”是對話中說話人對自己的稱謂,分為第一人稱代詞、反身代詞與謙稱!皩ΨQ”是說話人對受話人的稱謂,分為第二人稱代詞與尊稱。“他稱”是對第三者的稱謂,主要是第三人稱代詞。第六部分,總結宋代社會不同階層的人物命名特點,發(fā)掘其文化內涵。此外,對宋代形形色色的人物綽號從認知語言學、語用學、修辭學、文化語言學等多個角度進行分析研究。第七部分,宋人筆記社會稱謂詞語的特點及其文化內涵?偨Y了宋人筆記社會稱謂詞語的構詞特點和使用特點,構詞特點表現(xiàn)為三個方面,一是以單音稱謂詞為語素,構成大量的復合稱謂詞;二是一些構詞語素詞綴化十分突出;三是借代性稱謂詞廣泛應用。使用特點突出表現(xiàn)為親屬稱謂泛化、職官稱謂泛化、含有鮮明的褒義或貶義色彩的稱謂開始出現(xiàn)泛化的傾向。社會稱謂詞語更能體現(xiàn)宋代獨特的歷史文化面貌:“重文輕武”的時代風氣,文官掌權的政治體制,外患頻仍的民族形勢,繁榮發(fā)達的商業(yè)經(jīng)濟與市民文化,佛道的興盛與民間宗教的萌芽發(fā)展。 第五章:宋人筆記對稱謂詞語研究的貢獻,包括三個部分:第一部分,筆記稱謂詞語研究的內容,筆記稱謂詞語研究涉及的內容十分龐雜,包括對前代文獻中出現(xiàn)的稱謂詞語的考辨、對宋代制度稱謂、方俗稱謂、特有職業(yè)稱謂的考證與訓詁以及對稱謂詞語中常用語素的訓詁等諸多內容。第二部分,筆記稱謂詞語研究的特點,總結筆記稱謂詞語研究的特點:引證豐富,考證翔實;追根溯源,考辨清晰;糾正謬誤,見解獨到。第三部分,宋人筆記稱謂詞語研究對后代的影響,主要體現(xiàn)在三個大的方面:第一,保存了大量訓詁資料;第二,對后代的字典辭書編纂有重要貢獻;第三,為其他方面的研究提供了資料。 本文的創(chuàng)新之處有:第一,宋人筆記口語化程度較高,能夠在一定程度上反映宋代語言的面貌,本文選取九部有代表性的宋人筆記作語料,研究宋代稱謂詞語,在語料的選擇上具有一定的創(chuàng)新性,可以彌補斷代研究中宋代稱謂詞語研究的不足。第二,著重考察宋代新興的稱謂詞語的語義、語用特征,注意歷時研究,對其在現(xiàn)代方言中的演變情況進行研究,做成表格。特別是一些前人未加注意的新詞,對其產(chǎn)生年代和造詞理據(jù),詳加考辨,提出己見。第三,注意同一時期其他語料的共時對比研究,注意稱謂詞語動態(tài)發(fā)展的研究。 本文的不足之處是:稱謂詞語與歷史文化關系密切,宋人筆記稱謂詞語具有豐富的文化內涵,但惜本人學力未逮,未能深入開掘;此外,對一些詞語詞義、語用的演變的考察尚有疏漏之處。
[Abstract]:The writing of notes in the Song Dynasty is flourishing, its content is all inclusive and the degree of spoken language is high. It is an effective material for language research. In this paper, nine works of high degree of spoken language are selected from the numerous notes of the Song Dynasty as the research object, mainly taking quantitative statistics and category by analysis, synchronic description and diachronic comparison, language analysis and In the combination of cultural interpretation and combination, the appellation words in the corpus are divided into two categories: kinship appellations and social appellations. First, on the basis of reading the text carefully, all of the 1780 appellations are found out, which are classified into a systematic and detailed classification. At the same time, a comprehensive and extensive survey of the real features of each category of appellation words is made, and some unperfected words, usage and interpretation are studied by some predecessors. Third, some appellations which have been developed and changed in different periods of Chinese history have been placed in the dynamic development history of Chinese, and they are examined in different ways. The development and change of the period; fourth, excavate the history and cultural factors contained in the appellation words from multiple angles; fifth, sum up the contributions and shortcomings of the study of the title words of the Song Dynasty. The thesis is divided into five chapters.
The first chapter is introduction. It includes four parts: the history and present situation of the study of Chinese appellation terms, the value of the study of the appellation words of the song people, the selection and research methods of the corpus, the definition and classification of the concept of appellation terms. The weak link is of great significance to the study of the appellations of the notes of the Song Dynasty. On the one hand, it has important reference significance to the study of modern Chinese, on the other hand, it can fill in the blank of the study of the appellation terms of the special book, which is of great help to the study of the appellation words of the generation, and also has some reference value to the lexicography of the dictionary.
The second chapter: relative appellation terms, including four parts: the first part, the blood relative appellation, according to the order of the more than 180 words which appear in the corpus to express the kinship relation of blood related appellations in detail, depict. The second part, the appellation of the marriage system, the nearly 70 marriages in the corpus according to the order of the relatives of the husband family and the wife's family. The third part, the general name and the joint name, the general name and the joint name of all kinds of relatives appearing in the corpus. The fourth part, the characteristics and cultural connotations of the relative appellation of the song people, summarize the features of the word formation of the kinship appellations and the characteristics of the use of the relative appellations. Cultural connotations. Note related appellations pay special attention to the distant relationship between paternity, sex and age of men and women, generation differences, and the difference between the consanguinity and the marriage, which embodies the long and young, the male and the female, the internal and external characteristics. This is determined by the historical context of the Chinese legality society. At the same time, these differences are also from one side. It reflects the historical and cultural characteristics of the society of the Song Dynasty and even the whole Chinese society, which is characterized by the patriarchal system maintained by the family ties of blood ties and the social ethical and moral concepts embodied in the "filial piety" and the strong sense of respect and inferiority.
The third chapter and the fourth chapter take the semantic characteristics as the outline, and the word formation characteristics as the object.
The third chapter: social appellation terms (above), including three parts: the first part, the identity social appellation, including 10 aristocratic appellations, 39 civilian appellations, 57 literati appellations, 5 Samurai appellations, 17 thieves appellations, 8 prisoner appellations, 9 recluse appellations, 12 titles, 51 ethnic appellations, 72 appellations, 184 official appellations. The two part, occupational social appellation, including 33 agriculture, animal husbandry and hunting occupational appellations, 95 occupational and human appellations, 19 commercial human titles, 76 appellations, 14 medical occupational appellations, 14 wizard titles, 5 beggars, 13 prostitutes, 6 matchmakers, and 16 labourers. The three part, social communication relation appellation, including 17 similar relation appellations, 23 friend appellations, 7 enemy appellations, 8 neighborhood appellations, 8 colleague appellations, 46 masters and servants relation appellations, 25 main and guest relation appellations, 28 relationship appellations of teachers and students, 13 upper and lower relation appellations, and 5 other relation appellations.
The fourth chapter: the social appellation term (below). It includes seven parts: the first part, the feature appellation system, including 17 appellations by body features, 101 appellations by moral character, 8 appellations from economic conditions, 34 appellations from residential areas, second parts, and sex appellation systems, including 12 men's appellations, 38 A woman name and 4 joint titles. The third part, age appellation system, including 19 child appellations, 6 teen appellations, 33 elderly appellations and 4 titles. Fourth parts, the imperial title system, including 59 imperial titles, 74 kings' kinship appellations, and 47 imperial guards including attendants, eunuchs, and palace women's appellations. The fifth part, refers to the system of appellation, which refers to the interpersonal appellation which is produced by dialogue in a specific context, including self name, symmetry, his name, general name, and side name. "Self call" is the appellation of the speaker to himself in the dialogue, divided into the first person pronouns, the reflexive pronoun and the humility. "Symmetry" is the speaker to the receiver. The appellation is divided into second person pronouns and respectability. "He called" the appellation of the third, mainly the third person pronoun. The sixth part, summarizing the characters of the characters of different social strata in the Song Dynasty and excavating their cultural connotations. In addition, the nicknames of all kinds of characters in the song Dynasty are from the recognition of linguistics, pragmatics, rhetoric, and cultural linguistics. The seventh part, the characteristics and cultural connotations of the social appellations of the Song Dynasty notes, summed up the characteristics of the word formation and the use characteristics of the social appellations in the Song Dynasty notes. The features of the word formation are three aspects, one is the monosyllabic appellation words as the morphemes, a large amount of compound appellation words, and the two are some morpheme words. The suffix is very prominent; three is the widespread application of the metonymy words. The characteristics of the appellation are characterized by the generalization of kinship appellations, the generalization of the title of official titles, the tendency to generalize the appellations with distinct commendatory or derogatory colors. The social appellation words can reflect the unique historical literary features of the Song Dynasty: the era style of "the light martial art of the heavy text", Wen The political system in which officials are in power, the national situation with frequent foreign invasion, prosperous commercial economy and civic culture, the flourishing of Buddhism and Taoism and the development of folk religion.
The fifth chapter: the contribution of the Song Dynasty notes to the study of the appellation terms, including three parts: the first part, the content of the study of the appellation words, the content of the study of the appellation words, including the examination of the appellation words in the previous literature, the title of the song Dynasty, the appellation of the formula, the examination and training of the special occupational appellation. Exegesis and the exegesis of the common morphemes in the appellation words. The second part, the characteristics of the study of the note appellation words, summarizes the characteristics of the study of the notes appellation terms: the rich citation, the detailed textual research, the tracing of the source, the clarity of the examination, the correction of the fallacy, the unique views, the third parts, the influence of the study of the song's notes on the descendants, It is mainly embodied in three major aspects: first, a large number of exegesis materials have been preserved; second, the dictionary compilation of the dictionary has an important contribution to the future generations; third, it provides information for other aspects of research.
The innovation of this article is as follows: first, the colloquial degree of the notes of the song people is high, which can reflect the language of the Song Dynasty to a certain extent. In this paper, nine representative notes of Song people are selected as the language materials to study the appellation words of the Song Dynasty, which can make up for the study of the title words of the Song Dynasty in the study of the Song Dynasty. Second, focus on the study of the semantic, pragmatic features of the new appellations in the Song Dynasty, the diachronic study, the study of its evolution in modern dialects, and a form. Especially, some new words that have not been paid attention to in the previous years, and the reasons for their generation and creation of words, and to put forward their own opinions. Third, pay attention to the rest of the same period. A corpus based study on the dynamic development of appellation words is made.
The inadequacies of this article are: the relation between appellation words and historical culture is closely related, and the title words of the song people are rich in cultural connotations, but they have not been able to dig out deeply. In addition, there are still some omissions in the study of the meaning of words and the evolution of pragmatics.
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9 方彥壽;;朱熹在寒泉、云谷的講學特點考述[A];紀念《教育史研究》創(chuàng)刊二十周年論文集(2)——中國教育思想史與人物研究[C];2009年
10 張維坤;;淺談中國古代的誦讀教學[A];紀念《教育史研究》創(chuàng)刊二十周年論文集(4)——中國學科教學與課程教材史研究[C];2009年
相關博士學位論文 前10條
1 趙一霖;唐五代人的精怪想象[D];哈爾濱師范大學;2010年
2 王凱波;屈騷評論與漢代文學思想[D];哈爾濱師范大學;2010年
3 孫永娟;毛詩鄭箋研究[D];哈爾濱師范大學;2010年
4 郝文斌;高校教師思想政治工作實證研究[D];哈爾濱師范大學;2010年
5 康德強;傳統(tǒng)體育養(yǎng)生的文化哲學研究[D];上海體育學院;2010年
6 馮世明;公元前3世紀—公元4世紀匈奴國家形態(tài)的演變[D];華東師范大學;2011年
7 李國娟;儒學與秦漢意識形態(tài)的建立[D];華東師范大學;2011年
8 吳保傳;社會與學術:黃宗羲與明清學術思想史的轉型[D];西北大學;2010年
9 劉艷清;清代“六書”學研究[D];陜西師范大學;2010年
10 宋五好;道德教育中人倫價值的重構[D];陜西師范大學;2010年
相關碩士學位論文 前10條
1 梁巍;宋代童蒙階段的行為規(guī)范教育研究[D];河北大學;2009年
2 楊秋利;《醒世姻緣傳》中的女性形象研究[D];哈爾濱師范大學;2010年
3 關學銳;《莊子》生存美學思想研究[D];哈爾濱師范大學;2010年
4 王夢潔;基于養(yǎng)生理念的居住區(qū)景觀設計研究[D];中南林業(yè)科技大學;2009年
5 高世江;論兩漢士人風貌及文學精神的嬗變[D];遼寧師范大學;2010年
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